Chapter 9

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The twins were both back at college. As much as Wanda misses them when they aren't at home. She now can't wait for them to leave. Especially so she can have Y/N all to herself. Although the twins birthday was slowly approaching and Wanda wanted Y/N's input on what to buy them.

"I just don't know what to get them now." Wanda huffed as she chopped up the vegetables for dinner. "They're older and well." She sighed as Y/N wrapped his arms around her waist, which she soon melted into his touch.

"Maybe get them something they need." Y/N suggested. "Like some new clothes maybe."

"Yeah." She breathed out as he started to pepper kisses along her jaw. "I could." She moaned when he reached her sweet spot. Sucking harshly on it. "Do that." She put the knife down and turned around in his arms. Kissing him hard before he pushed her into the counter. Causing a loud moan to come from her at the force. Allowing his tongue to enter her mouth through her parted lips.

The two moaned as their tongues danced together. Y/N's hand snaking it's way to the front of her jeans. Popping open the button and slowly running his hand over her clothed core.

"Fuck." He groaned at her wetness as she bucked her hips against his hand. He soon pushed her underwear to the side. Applying pressure against her bud of nerves. She held onto his shoulders for stabililty as she was wedged between him and the counter.

"Oh." Her mouth was agape as he slammed two fingers into her entrance. Pumping in and out at an animalistic pace.

"What the hell is going on!!" The sound of Vision's voice echoed through the kitchen. Both Y/N and Wanda froze their movements. Wanda closed her eyes as Y/N removed his hand before re-buttoning her jeans. Then moving to wash his hands. Avoiding eye contact with the ex-husband of the woman he has fell for. The father of his best friends.

"What are you doing here?" Wanda asked him.

"I came here to see if you wanted to co-ordinate the twins birthday presents but well you clearly have other plans." He gestured to Y/N with a look of disgust.

"You don't live here no more Vis." Wanda told him as she rubbed her eyebrow.

"I wonder what the twins would think about their mother and their best friend." He smirked at her as she pushed him out of the kitchen. "Or even the whole community even."

"Don't you fucking dare." Wanda growled at him as he just chuckled.

"You are almost double his age. It's pathetic really. You're pathetic." Vision sneered as Y/N came out of the kitchen.

"Don't you dare speak to her like that." Y/N told him calmly as he stood in the doorway. Wanda was just shrinking as she soon fell down onto the sofa. "You have no right to be in this house without Wanda's invitation. So you are technically trespassing."

"This is my house." Vision yelled. "She only won it in the divorce."

"Then by default it is hers." Y/N told him as he stepped closer. Wanda stood up and placed her hand on his chest.

"Y/N." Wanda pleaded with him. "Let me talk to him." Y/N looked in her eyes. "Alone. Please." Y/N just nodded. Kissing her head before cupping her face.

"Call me if you need me." He told her before leaving.

"At least he is respectable to your wishes." Vision teased her. "Or do you think it's because he is a mommy's boy."

"He is more of a man than you ever were." Wanda snarled as she pointed her finger at him.

"I still wonder what the twins will think." He pondered with a smirk. Feeling powerful over the woman who got free from him.

"What do you want Vision?" Wanda questioned.

"Well I do have some needs that you would be able to take care of." He said as he cupped her face. "As you see, Viv is going through some sort of womany problem and it is clear that you still have the stamina."

"No!" She pulled out of his reach.

"It's this or the twins find out." He started to unbuckle his belt. Wanda sighed knowing that either way she is going to lose Y/N. "On your knees like a good girl." He ordered her as she just complied. Hatred flowing through her veins.

As the weeks went on, Vision made regular visits to Wanda. Leaving Wanda to cry herself to sleep every night. She even distanced herself from Y/N which even he thought was unusual.

"Wanda?" Nat's soft voice sounded through Wanda's bedroom. Her eyes soon finding the sobbing mess on the bed. "What's happened Wanda?"

Nat pulled her in for a hug as she cried. Even with the twins birthday party next week.

"I love him Nat." Wanda cried. Leaving Nat confused.

"Who?" Nat questioned her.

"Y/N." Wanda hiccupped as she moved away from Nat. "I'm in love with him."

"Y/N Castle? Tommy and Billy's best friend?" Nat needed confirmation of what she was hearing. Wanda just nodded as she mumbled something about Nat being disappointed. "Oh honey." Nat wrapped her arms around her. Pulling her in for a comforting hug once more. "I am not disappointed in you ok. If he feels the same then I say go for it. I have seen you at your happiest those few months." Nat was still confused as to why she was upset. "But why are you upset?"

"Vision." Wanda cried out. "He uh he caught us. In my kitchen."

"He doesn't live here." Nat told her as Wanda hummed an agreement. Finding the courage to continue.

"He." She took a deep breath. "He threatened to tell the twins if." Wanda started to breathe rapidly.

"If what?" Nat asked her. She was fuming with Vision. Even rightly so when Wanda told her what he has been forcing her to do. All Nat could do in that moment was hold her before packing her some things before she took her to stay with her.


Here's Drama. Please let me know what you think.

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