Chapter 3

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Wanda had stopped staying with Y/N for lunch since that night. She wanted to limit her time with him. Although the nights when she would teach him how to cook. She fought off the thoughts of.

"The twins are coming home this weekend." Wanda informed him as they both ate the beef roast she helped him cook. Y/N looked up at her in surprise. "They want to come and celebrate your 20th."

"That's this weekend?" He asked her as she looked at him worried.

"You forgot your own birthday?" She asked him.

"I honestly did. Yes." He confirmed. "I have just been so caught up in work since dad died so I guess it just slipped my mind."

"Well you're coming round to celebrate it." She ordered him as she pointed a wooden spoon at him. "Or I will come around here and drag you there myself."

"I'll be there." He smiled at her. He admired her little victorious smile as she finished with the gravy.

He won't admit it but he has started to feel an attraction to the older woman. He knows it's wrong but he can't exactly help it when she is just so mind stopping gorgeous.

"The boys are excited to see you." She said as they both sat down. She carried the drinks while he carried the plates.

"I've missed them too." He said with a smile. The two ate sharing small conversations. "You know, Jess asked me out yesterday."

"Did she?" Wanda asked. Trying to hide any hint of jealousy. "What did you say?"

"Don't get me wrong. She is cute and funny." He told her as she tried her hardest not to lose it. "But she just isn't my type."

"So what is your type?" Wanda asked, feeling at ease. Y/N shuffled in his seat nervous about what to say to the woman who looked at him intensely.

"Well, obviously funny and adorable. Got to have those eyes you can find yourself gazing into for hours and not get bored." He spoke tenderly. "She has got to be kind, selfless. It's ok to be a little selfish at times. But not afraid to be her goofy self around me." He basically described herself to her.

"Well I am sure when you meet her, she will be one lucky girl." She smiled at him.

"I've already met her." He told her barely above a whisper. "You." She swallowed harshly as she shook her head.

"I understand, you're lonely. You work all week and the only person you hang out with is me." She said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin before getting up. "This could never happen Y/N."

"I know it's wrong Wanda, but I can't help it." He said as he stood before her. "I can't help feeling the way I feel about you."

"It's just a schoolboy crush." She shook her head as she stepped away. Putting distance between the two. "It will pass."

"It isn't some crush Wanda." He told her as he sighed. "I have real feelings for you. All those meals together. Every minute we spend together, watching your face. The little nose scrunch whenever your really happy. Your eyes. Just everything about you. I fall deeper with every moment."

"Y/N." She said hoping he would shut up. His own confession making it a struggle for Wanda to keep herself under control.

"Please Wanda. I just." He sighed before he continued. "I'm not apologising for my feelings for you. I won't do that." He stepped closer to her as her back rested against the wall. "I can't apologise for that." He whispered before he kissed her. She kissed him back just as urgently before she pulled away from him.

"No." She whispered as she stepped away from him. "You're Billy and Tommy's best friend. My son's best friend. This is wrong on so many levels. You are the same age as my sons."

"I know." He said. "But you kissed me back so on some level you feel the same."

"This is wrong." She said again as she walked towards the door. "I uh I have to go."

"Wanda. Come on. Let's just talk about this." He followed her to her car. "Come on."

"Y/N, please just forget about it." She said as she got in the car. "I'll see you around." He watched as she drove off.

"Fuck!" He shouted before he stormed back inside. Tossing the cooked food in the trash. He got his dad's old stash of whiskey from the cupboard and started to drink some. The golden liquid burning his throat as it smoothly flowed down.

When Wanda got home, she was extremely confused. She had wanted so bad for something to happen with Y/N but with him being the same age as the twins, her mind went straight to red alert.

"Fuck." She whispered when she realised she was out of wine. So she decided to just head up stairs to bed instead. Too lost in her own thoughts to do anything. Wondering how it is going to go on his birthday next week.


Ooooh the tension is coming. Please let me know what you think

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