Chapter 8

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Wanda and Y/N found themselves stealing moments together. Although they never slept together all the times they spent together. They would sit and cuddle together on the sofa. Watching some TV. As much as they loved the sex, they loved the simple intimacy more. Even the twins had noticed how happy Wanda was when they visited.

"Do you know if mum is seeing anyone?" Billy asked Y/N as he was under a car.

"No." Y/N answered. "Why?" He asked as he came out from under the car for a different tool before disappearing under again.

"She seems happy." Tommy stated.

"That's a good thing right?" Y/N questioned the two.

"Of course it is." Billy reasoned. "We just want to know who it is."

"I bet it's Mr Barnes." Tommy suggested. "He has always had a thing for mum."

"Mr Barnes is with Miss Romanoff you idiot." Billy told him. The two start to guess who it could be while Y/N just smirked under the car.

That was until the worries started to come. What would they think if they found out it was Y/N who Wanda was seeing.

"So who is this person who has you smiling like a goofball." Nat asked her best friend as she entered the store.

"It's no one." Wanda told her. "Why must there always be a someone?"

"You have that freshly fucked look." Nat pointed out. Making Wanda's mind trail back to this morning when she left early and met Y/N as he opened the shop.

He had her pinned against the car as he thrust into her. Her breasts pressed up against the cold glass as their moans filled the building.

"Fuck." Wanda reached back and held Y/N's head closer as her kissed the skin on her neck. Feeling herself getting closer to the edge. "I'm so close." She moaned as Y/N groaned in her ear.

"Me too." He whispered as he went faster and harder. With a few more thrusts, the two came screaming each others names. Y/N rested his body against Wanda's. Relishing in the closeness and the warmth of her skin against his. "I love you." He blurted out as he moved away from her. Helping her put her clothes back on before putting on his own. She just looked in his eyes and saw nothing but love and adoration. Something she hasn't seen in a very long time.

"I love you." Wanda whispered before kissing him softly.

"So, who is he?" Nat pressed on as Wanda just chuckled, shaking her head at her friends persistence.

"I am not telling you. It's still pretty early on." Wanda told her, making her whine.

"You will tell me one day. I don't exactly know when but you will." Nat told her before she bid her goodbye and left the store.

As the day went on, Tommy and Billy decided to help Wanda in the store. Also while trying to get some new information from her.

"So mum, who is he?" Billy asked her softly. Wanda's head quickly turning to look at her sons.

"What?" She questioned.

"The man who has you all smiling and happy." Tommy spoke with a smirk.

"I am not talking about this with you." Wanda told them both.

"It's got to be Mr Barnes." Tommy mumbled to Billy. Causing Wanda to turn around quickly. Glaring at the two.

"It is not James. He is my friend's partner." Wanda told the two angrily. "Besides, it is my personal life. I don't have to share my time with the two of you anymore so just drop it."

The two just nodded before getting back to work. Wanda took a deep breath before she texted Y/N.

The boys are catching on to my seeing someone.

They were questioning me before.

I kind of feel bad. I yelled at the two of them

I bet you looked sexy too.

Y/N! Don't start something you can't finish.

When have I not been able to finish? Also, Tommy invited me over tonight to play on the xbox if that is ok with you.

You know your welcome any time.

Wanda was smiling as she shared messages with Y/N. The excitement of having a relationship in secret was amazing. She felt young again. And that was all thanks to the 20 year old who made her feel like she was 25 and not a 38 year old mother.


Here you go guys. There will be some drama coming up in the next few chapters.

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