Chapter 17

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The two had decided to park on the side of the road. Taking a back road since their was road works on the main interstate. But the two soon found themselves in a rather compromising situation.

Y/N's fingers buried deep within Wanda's core as she sat on his lap. Riding them as he sucked and bit her nipple. Loving the sounds coming from her.

"Fuck." Wanda moaned as she moved her hips sloppily as her orgasm approached. Gripping hard onto Y/N's shoulders. "I'm so close." Y/N then decided to use his other hand and apply pressure to her clit. Helping her towards her orgasm. She moaned loudly with a scream of Y/N's name. Settling as she leaned back against the steering wheel. Making fast work of Y/N's belt and boxers. Pulling them down enough so his hardened member sprung free. "I need you."

"Fuck. Wanda." He moaned as she lowered herself down. Moaning at the sensation of being full before she started to roll her hips. Y/N's hands gripped her hips harshly as he guided her movements, meeting them with thrusts of his own.

"Harder." Wanda pleaded as she scratched his neck. "Please."

He did as she had requested. Jolting more vigorously as she soon found herself leaning against him. Biting into his shoulder as he went harder and deeper.

"Fuck." He groaned as he felt her clench around him. Cumming all over him as he soon followed. Slowing his movements as she rested against his chest. He rubbed her back as she calmed down before helping her off of his lap. Helping her in her seat and finding her clothes. Not entirely sure how that started but he wasn't complaining at all. "You're insatiable." He told her as he handed her her clothes.

"My underwear?" She questioned as she put on her shirt and holding her skirt.

"I don't know." He told her honestly.

"I'm gonna drip all over the seat and my skirt." She told him matter of factly. He smirked as he remembered finding her vibrator in the closet. He reached over to the glove compartment and held it out for her.

"I'm sure this could work." He smirked as he turned it on. Wanda's eyes darkened as she had never really done anything like this at all. All she could do was nod, watching as he put it in her core. Moaning at the sensation. "No cumming or touching yourself. Not until we are at the hotel." He told her as he held his fingers to her lips. Watching as she sucked them clean.

The rest of the drive to Vegas was torturous for Wanda. Craving that release which she was denied for a couple of hours. Her slick dripping down her thighs.

"Y/N, please." Wanda whimpered when they entered the hotel room. Y/N helped her out of her clothes and lay her on the bed. Situating himself face to face with her dripping core.

Wanda moaned loudly as he sucked on her clit as he removed the vibrator. Thrusting two fingers inside making her moan loudly. She was already extremely close with being overstimulated.

"Let go." Y/N husked out against her, the vibrations sending her over the edge. Once she had calmed down, he left to get a cloth to clean her up before tucking her in. Knowing tomorrow is the day he will be able to call Wanda his wife. So he also fell asleep with her in his arms. A happy smile on his face.

"They've gone to Vegas." Yelena stated as she read Natasha's message she recieved from Wanda.

"They're eloping." Nat stated with a smile.

"What?" Kate questioned as Nat just smiled for her best friend.

"Y/N must have proposed." She stated as Kate nodded.

"The twins did mention that he shown them a ring." Kate stated like it was common knowledge.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Yelena yelled as Kate shrugged.

"It wasn't my news to share." She told her as Nat smiled. Yes, she was disappointed by not being there to celebrate, but if it was Wanda's wishes, she respected them.


"I can't believe we're doing this." Wanda whispered as the two phased out the officiator's voice.

"Me too." Y/N told her before they were asked to say their vows. "Well, I never really prepared anything since this was sudden so here goes." He started with a smile. "Wanda Maximoff was always a name that brought me comfort. Even when I was alone, I always knew I had a home with you. I know you still worry about what people think about us but I don't care. I only care about you anf what you think. I am so in love with you Wanda and I intend to keep loving you."

"Wow." She whispered with a teary smile. "I don't remember being this happy in my life. You brought a light back into my life that I didn't know was even missing. You are the reason I smile everyday. The reason I still believe in love. You are my reason for not giving up on happiness and as long as we're together, I will be happy until we part ways in death."

After the I do's, the two left the chapel, extremely happy. Y/N smiled as Wanda skipped beside him. Like two teenagers in love. Happy he gets to spend his life loving her the way she deserves.


Here you have it guys. The end of this fic. Please let me know what you think

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