Chapter 6

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After the get together at the Maximoff residence, Y/N and Wanda had been stealing kisses in fleeting moments. The twins also requested that Y/N take them back to college. Driving straight to Wanda's after dropping them off at their dorm. Y/N knocked on the door, only to be dragged inside by the scruff of his neck. A pair of soft lips on his in an instant. Paying no mind to the slamming of the door.

"I missed you." Wanda whispered before kissing him hungrily once more. Dragging him backwards, towards the living room.

"I missed you." Y/N mumbled as he squeezed her hips. Pulling her closer to him. Making her moan as his hands reached underneath her blouse. Her skin burning by his touch. Before anything more could happen, there was a knock on the door.

"Fuck." Wanda groaned as she rested her head on his chest. Grumbling as she moved to answer the door.

"Hey Wan!" Her best friend, Natasha spoke cheerfully.

"What are you guys doing here?" Wanda asked as she looked past Nat to find Yelena, Kate and Pepper all stood there. Bottles of wine and vodka in their hands.

"We thought, since the twins are away, you could use some company dear." Pepper spoke as the four girls walked inside. All freezing in their spot when they saw Y/N, holding a tool box. Wanda's mind was fried, hoping they wouldn't catch on.

"I had to replace the pipe Wanda. It was corroded." He told her softly as she nodded. Thankful that he managed to come up with a lie. "So, I'll be off." Wanda followed him outside as the girls got settled, getting glasses for their drinks. Kate finding the radio and putting it on.

"Thank you." Wanda whispered as she against the side of Y/N's car.

"I figured you wouldn't want them to know." He smiled softly at her. "I'll be around tomorrow."

"To return my toolbox." Wanda stated with a raised brow.

"Of course." He smirked before hugging Wanda close. "Now, go enjoy your freedom with your friends."

"Be safe. Text me when you get home please." Wanda asked them. Neither wanting the hug to end.

"I will." Y/N replied as he got in his car. Wanda watched as he drove off before she walked back inside to her friends.

"Isn't that Frank Castle's kid?" Nat asked Wanda who just nodded.

"The drop out?" Pepper question as Wanda glared at her.

"He only dropped out to look out for his dad and his shop." Wanda told her bluntly. After all Pepper is Vision's sister in law.

"I think that's noble of him to do that." Kate said as Nat and Yelena agreed with her. "To give up on his own dreams to help his father keep his alive. Even after he died."


I'm home. Safe and sound. Thinking of you hot momma.

Wanda smiled as she looked at the text. Ignoring all of her friends as she texted him back.

"What do you think Wan?" Nat asked as everyone turned their attention to her.

"About what?" Wanda asked with a look of stupor etched onto her face.

"I was thinking of organising a camping trip for this years girls weekend?" Nat told her. Her eyebrow raised as Wanda just nodded.

"That would be fun. I haven't been camping since the twins were little." Wanda beamed as Yelena nodded.

"I remember Billy was always so frightened of the worms and other insects." Yelena recalled with a smirk.

"I remember you always helping Tommy chase the poor boy around with worms." Nat told her as she laughed.

"Those were amazing times." Yelena sighed as the girls chuckled.

"I remember when Y/N used to be a pimpled little cutie." Kate smirked as everyone agreed.

"Now he looks so much like his father at 20." Nat mentioned. Wanda remembered always finding Frank attractive but she was then married to Vision and had the twins.

"He does have his mother's colouring though." Wanda pointed out. Y/N's skin wasn't as dark as Frank's. Although it would tan in the sun.

"He does." Pepper nodded excitedly. "I miss Dottie."

"She was fun." Nat sighed sadly as they all agreed. "To Dottie Castle." Nat raised her glass. A chorus of Dottie Castle followed by the clinking of glasses. Remembering their friend before she died.

"Do you remember when she kissed Howard Stark on a dare at one of Tony's parties?" Peppere asked as the others all nodded along.

"Or the time when she jumped naked into your parents pool." Nat pointed at Wanda.

"My father was effing and blinding in sokovian on how she was a silly little girl." Wanda laughed. "He soon shut up when she climbed out. I had honestly never seen him so red."

"She would have been proud to see the man Y/N had grown up to be." Nat said as the others all nodded. The night wore on as they spoke more about their friend they lost too soon. Remembering their best memories of her.


Here is another chapter guys. Please let me know what you think

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