11. chase after redheads

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December 12, 1974

SHE RAISED HER eyebrows, just slightly impressed, she would admit, at James Potter's intellect in the fine subject of Transfiguration.

"...and after that, you just have to keep guessing, basically, until you get something that makes sense."

She blinked at him, confusion seeping through her skin. Not because she didn't understand what he was saying but because she did.

He was awfully good at this tutoring thing, and it kind of unnerved Nesrin. She usually got pretty decent grades but only when she understood the material right off the bat. If she didn't get it during the lectures, she concluded that she would never be able to. People had tried to help her out, but nothing ever worked. It was too hard for her to learn when someone tried to teach her.

Until James Fucking Potter.

The guy could explain things to her just like that. In the snap of a finger. It confused and interested and shocked Nesrin all at the same time.

There was something in the way he was so patient with her and never got irritated when she did something wrong that was so excruciatingly painful for her to witness.

No one had ever done that for her.

Realizing that she had been staring at him wordlessly for far too long, she cleared her throat.

"You're actually smart," she mused, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat. A smug smirk tugged at James's mouth until the next words left her lips. "And here I was thinking the only thing you did was chase after redheads and get rejected."

His smile dropped instantly, his eyes directed at hers in a deadly glare.

She grinned in return.

"So, how exactly do you know so much? You don't really seem like the type to spend every waking minute studying."

James shrugged but didn't comment further, instead glancing down at his notes.

Nesrin narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. After examining him for a few seconds, she realized he wasn't going to say anything and frowned at him, letting out an exasperated sigh. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the smallest hint of a smile cross James's lips.

Rolling her eyes, she sat up in her seat and looked at the notes and study guide James had made for her. She started answering some of the questions he had written down for her earlier.

James glanced up from his homework discreetly, eyeing the way Nesrin's bottom lip was caught between her teeth and the way her eyebrows were pulled down into an adorable frown.

The corners of his cheeks twitched, his heart glazing over with an emotion he couldn't quite put a name to. A new kind of emotion that made his insides tingle and his face unable to stop grinning stupidly and made him want to feel it over and over and over.

Just as she looked up, his gaze turned back down to his notes. She stared at him for a second, admiring the peaceful expression on his face and the slight tilt of his head as he read the words on his parchment.

Then she looked back down at her questions, completely unaware of the smile growing on her face.

𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 !

guys. daisy jones & the six. the show. i need to rant. oh god.

if you have never read that book, what are you doing with your life.

read it. now.


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