44. horcrux

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NESRIN HASN'T STOPPED smiling all day.

Memories of yesterday play over and over again in her head. She can still feel James's lips on her skin, can still feel his hands on her body. She can't stop thinking of him.

It feels freeing to not have to reprimand herself for wanting him and for wanting to be with him. After so long of feeling like drowning, she has finally resurfaced the water, taking in the sweet smell of the breeze and feeling herself slip away from the water and to the security of the land.

She wants to tell him she loves him every single chance she gets.

She knows how risky this is. How it all may explode in her face, but for once in her life, she wants to be selfish. She wants to kiss James and run her fingers through his hair and intertwine their hands together and hold him close to her and she wants him to tell her how much she means to him.

Despite all this, she can't help the small part of her brain from screaming at her to give him up. That he will be safer without her.

She can't bring herself to listen.

She slips into the library for her regular meet up with Regulus to discuss everything they have learned and any clues they have discovered. He sits at a table alone, hastily flipping the pages of a book. His hair looks wild as if he has run his hands through it one too many times. His eyes are wide open, bags under them as if has not slept for quite some time.

Nesrin walks over to him, worried. She furrows her eyebrows as she sits next to him, placing her hand on his arm to stop him from moving.

He looks up, eyes still wide as if he has to keep them open enough to not fall asleep.

"Nesrin," he says, his tone frantic.

She frowns. "Reg? What's wrong?"

"I found it."

"Found what?"

"The solution."

And then he tells her everything. About how he found out about the Horcruxes from his house elf, Kreacher, during Christmas break, and how he has been researching about it ever since to figure it all out. Regulus explains the location of the Horcrux and that it is in the form of a locket.

Nesrin is nothing short of breathless the entire time. Her thoughts are spiraling, a loose plan forming in her head. Hope blossoms through her body and takes root like a drug.

Once Regulus has answered all of her questions and they have decided to meet up again later to discuss further, Nesrin leaves the library with her mind a mess of jumbled thoughts and even messier hopes.

Maybe this won't end in disaster.

Maybe they still have a chance.

Maybe she won't have to give up James a second time.

She's lost to her thoughts when an arm wraps around her waist and she is suddenly dragged into a nearby empty classroom.

For a horrifying second, she thinks it is Garrett.

But then she sees hazel eyes and a soft grin and all her worries fade away.

She scowls at him, hitting his shoulder.


He lets out a soft chuckle, leaning down to press his lips to her forehead. His hand goes to the back of her neck, his thumb grazing her jaw. They stare at each other quietly, fond smiles etching across their faces.

He leans his forehead against hers, closing his eyes and inhaling slowly.

"I missed this," he whispers. He opens his eyes. "I missed you."

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now