26. so very trivial

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STRESS AND ANXIETY seep through her veins as she starts the DADA project that is due tomorrow morning.

She hadn't meant to procrastinate on it or leave it until the last day, but between the whole thing with Garrett and with James's words still echoing through her head, she had forgotten about the project.

It is times like these when she starts to really think about all the moments leading up to her life at that exact second in time. How small it all is in comparison to the war going on outside these walls. How everything seems so trivial now that she is about to graduate from the school she has gone to for the last seven years.

It really puts things into perspective.

Every time she stressed over an exam. Every time a rumor was spread about her and she cried over it in the bathroom stall. Every time she wanted to be liked by her peers.

Every single thing that she and everyone else stressed over these last seven years and everything they thought would be the end of the world.

It is all so very trivial compared to the real world.

She is far too tired to be thinking of these things right now. Sighing, she stands from the seat she's sitting at in the library.

"I need to go get a book," she tells Regulus who is sitting next to her. "I'll be right back."

He barely acknowledges her with a nod, too deeply engrossed in the book he's reading.

She walks over to a section in the library, her fingers skimming the spines of the books that have been sitting there for who knows how long. Through generations of the greatest witches and wizards of all time.

It takes her a few minutes to find the book she's looking for. When she does find it, however, it is too high up on the shelf for her to reach.

Despite her height, the book sits just beyond her reach. She huffs in frustration, going on the tips of her toes to try to reach it, but she still can't touch it.

Just when she's about to turn around to go ask Regulus for help, she feels a presence behind her. Warmth of a familiar body seeps into her, slow and comforting. Ever so slightly, his chest skims her back, the smallest touch searing into her like a flame.

A large hand comes into her view as it grabs the book she was struggling to reach just seconds before and lowers it down.

She turns slowly, heart roaring in her chest. When she looks at James, he has a blank look on his face. He holds out the book for her. She glances down at it, wondering for just a second what she's supposed to do.

Her hand reaches out to grab the book, her fingers accidentally brushing his. She coils away, eyes widening as she holds the book tightly against her body.

"Sorry," she mumbles, looking down at her feet.

His feet shuffle closer until they appear in her line of sight. She glances back up, their eyes locking. His eyes shoot lasers into her own, trying to tell her everything and nothing. Saying every single unspoken word between them and yet not really saying anything at all.

They stare at each other for a long moment, neither of them able to force themselves to look away.

He seems to be getting closer to her, slowly, slowly, slowly until her back is against the bookshelf and his body is caging her in. He raises his hand and rests it against the shelf, right beside her head.

Her breathing becomes erratic, her chest rising and falling more rapidly.

She can't look away from him. It's literally impossible.

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now