28. be my date

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IT IS THAT time of year again.

The silent anticipation. The light giggles. The giddiness that surrounds the air.

The Winter Ball.

It happens every year, and every year, Nesrin counts down the days until she gets to wear a beautiful new dress and dance to her heart's pleasure.

But this year, Nesrin is counting down the days until everyone is at the ball and she gets to be alone in her dorm room, curled into herself and reading a book without anyone interrupting.

Nothing that mattered before seems to be important anymore.

James feels the same way.

From the Gryffindor table, he glares at his food with a cold look. He remembers when the Winter Ball was the biggest event of the year—the day the most couples got together. Everywhere around him, people are acting as if this is even going to matter five years from now.

It's not.

Not with an entire fucking war going on that everyone seems to be ignoring. But ignorance isn't always bliss.

He thinks back to a few days before. The library. Lily. Books.


The way her natural curls fell into her face and her big brown eyes looked so full of emotion as they always do. The way they always did.

She can pretend in front of every single person on this planet. But she can't pretend in front of him.

He knows her like he knows his name. He knows her like he knows the sun is hot and Dumbledore is old. He knows her in a way no one else does—he knows her secret habit of scratching the side of her thigh when she's nervous or anxious. He knows how she loves people-watching and making up weird stories about every stranger she sees. He knows that rainbows make her laugh for some odd reason and he knows that she cries every time she listens to "Closing My Eyes" by Fleetwood Mac.

He knows her better than he knows himself.

Or, at least he used to. Now, he looks at her and all he can see is a stranger he would die for without a second thought.

He stabs at the chicken on his plate a little too aggressively.

What the fuck had she been doing with Regulus Black of all people?

As far as James knows, Regulus has never shown an interest in anyone—whether it be romantic or platonic. He has always just been there, in the crowd, in the shadows, going along with whatever the people he hangs around do.

He doesn't know why it bothers him so much that Nesrin is spending time with his best friend's brother. He shouldn't care about Regulus leaning down to whisper in Nesrin's ear or about how she instantly left with him. His heart shouldn't be clenching at the thought of her with someone else when he is so obviously over her.

Easier said than done.

He lets out a harsh breath, not being able to stay quiet any longer.

"Your brother is dating Nesrin Fadel," he blurts out.

Sirius stops chewing the food in his mouth, staring at James with a blank face. Remus and Peter are silent for a long second. And then Sirius bursts out laughing.

"That has got to be the most hilarious fucking thing you've ever said to me," he gets out between snickers.

James shoots him an unimpressed look.

"I saw them together at the library."

Eventually, Sirius's laughs die down though he still has an amused grin on his face.

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now