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let the games begin

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AS THE MORNING comes, both Rohan and Thana are up early waiting for their tributes. Celie is the first to enter the room and to receive soft smiles. Instead of the normal chatter between the district 9 habitants, there is a silence now. One that doesn't disappear when Latif comes in or even when August enters. Both tributes wear some loose clothes and Celie is the first to be called away. Rohan and Thana walk with her to the elevator and say their goodbyes as August escorts her to the roof of the building. Celie has tears in her eyes as the door closes and Thana brushes away some of her own tears.

Not long after August has taken Celie to the roof, he has come back for Latif who looks fearful at his sister and the man who got her through her games.

"I love you," Thana says hugging her brother one last time. "No matter what you do in there, my love for you will never diminish."

"I love you more," Latif lets his sister go only to kiss her head one last time.

"We will do anything to get you out," Rohan smiles weakly at the boy before the door closes again.

With Latif out of sight, Thana's knees buckle and she falls to the ground. Within a second Rohan has her in his arms, trying to comfort her, but he knows nothing will comfort her except for Latif back in her presence.

"It is not fair," Thana cries out.

"I know, I know," Rohan holds the girl close to him.

"I want him back," tears stream down her cheeks as the keeps mumbling that she wants him back.


Rohan and Thana walk into a big room with all kinds of seating arraignments. Rohan leads them towards the one with a 9 above it. It is before all other seats, a sort of VIP section for all the victors. Many smile sadly at the girl who silently follows Rohan, some like Mags squeeze her hand softly as they pass. Chattering is mostly heard behind the section reserved for the victors, there where all the people from the Capitol sit and speak in excitement for their yearly entertainment. Some call the names of the victors who sit before them, they get little reaction as the victors now are mentally preparing to see the darkest part of the games.

As all the mentors sit ready together, the tributes come up to their platforms. It reveals that the arena is full of old buildings that have become ruins, it was probably a city once. Latif is right across from Celie who can't see each other because of the cornucopia. Rohan holds Thana's hand in comfort as the countdown starts.

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5..." It is as if Thana is back in there as she waits for it all to begin. Time seems to go in slow motion. "4... 3..." the girl squeezes Rohan's hand, "2..." Thana draws a breath. "1!" A shot goes through the arena and everybody starts to move, but time still seems to go in slow motion for the newest victor. All over the screen there is blood, the sounds of people killing each other. Swords and other weapons that clatter to each other. Winds make dust fly around the wild greenery which signals it once was a park in the middle of the city. Bags and other things get snatched and BOOMS echo through the room the victors are in.

After some time, Thana feels Rohan pull her up as they move away from the screen. He wipes away some tears and greets Haymitch as they come close to him.

"I am sorry for your loss," Haymitch tells the victor's from district 9 and Thana now knowing what happened looks at him in shock, "I am sure she must have been a nice girl."

"And we are sorry for yours," Rohan smiles softly, "we both know it sucks to lose both of them in the first minutes of the games." Haymitch shrugs and downs his liquor bottle.

"They die sometime anyway, better for the family if it is early in the games."

"That is true," Rohan pats the man on his back, "we are in search of Cecelia, have you seen her?"

"Is her brother allying with one of hers?" Haymitch gestures to Thana who looks like she is in another universe.

"Yeah," Rohan sighs, "seeing as 7 also lost both of theirs I was thinking of letting Thana sit with Johanna while I make sure I do everything to get her brother out of there."

"Good luck," Haymitch smiles at Rohan who pulls Thana with him.

"Rohan, Thana," Cecelia greets the two of them as they come close to her.

"Cecelia," Rohan nods at the woman, "they both got out with no wounds, right?"

"That is correct," The woman smiles at the man. "I must say it is a pleasure to work together again."

"Well, let me just drop Thana off by Johanna and I will come back here for our tributes."

"Take your time, Rohan," Cecelia smiles sadly at the girl who looks around in shock, "your first year as a mentor is the hardest."

As Rohan pulls Thana away from Cecelia to Johanna who is just a few metres away from them, Thana takes a look at the big screen. Many things are shown, but in the biggest, she sees her brother with the girl from 8. She sees they got a knife, rope and a bag. They trail through a dust-filled street with fallen buildings right and left. Out of nowhere a tribute from 5 runs towards them. The girl from eight looks around them to see if it is just the three of them. Cautiously they move towards to running tribute who reveals a sword, at that moment Latif pulls the knife from his ally's waistband. With one clean shot, he throws their knife right in his chest. BOOM!

Rohan tries to pull Thana away towards Johanna, but the girl doesn't budge as she sees her brother remove the dagger and pulls his ally into a nearby ruin. A smile forms on Thana's face as this moment right here makes her realise that she was never wrong for trusting her brother could make it out of there. A determination forms itself in her eyes as she pulls her hand free from Rohan and straightens her back and walks back to Cecelia. She hasn't lost him yet and she will do anything to keep it that way.

Nora speaking here!
The games have begun and heartwenchly so is Thana's pain rising.

Thank you for all your support, without you guys I never would've gotten so far <3

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