Chapter 3 (pep talk)

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"Our son Ao'nung and daughters Tsireya and y/n will show your children what to do."

'Huh?!' My eyes widened as I heard my name.

"Father why-" Ao'nung tried to argue

"This is decided"

'Nononononono. I cannot. I must talk to my father!'


"Come, I will show you our village." Tsireya smiled at the newcomers, letting them follow her.

You were still stuck in place after what your father had assigned you to do. You quickly snapped out of it and walked over to your father, waiting to finish talking to one of the villagers before turning to you.

Taking a deep breath before you spoke "Father can I have a word with you?" You asked quickly then exhaled that breath you took.

He gently touched your shoulder "Of course my daughter." He said with a smile.

Sempul was always pleased to talk or even be near me and my family. Since he is Olo'eyktan he is always busy and he does not see you or your siblings as much as he would like to.

"Thank you. Let us walk along the sand." You said calmly and led him.

The two of you walked in silence for a bit. You were trying to find the right words to say but your father decided to break the quietness.

"You seemed very troubled. What is the matter my daughter?" He questioned, looking down at you.

This made you start spewing what you were thinking.

"Father, I do not want to teach Toruk Makto's children! I cannot teach them!" You exclaimed. Which was way out of character, you are always so quiet in public areas.

Tonowari just laughed at his daughter. You quickly pouted and turned your head away from your father.

"I apologise." He let out a sigh and replied to your concern. "Yes you can. You have taught many children."

"Exactly father CHILDREN! I teach children up to ten years old. Those kids are about my age. And we all had due respect but mother was right. Their bodies are just not fit to 'adapt'." You flailed your arms up.

Father simply just shook his head.

"You are just like your mother. You are smart y/n but you do not open yourself to change." He sighed. Touching your chin to make you turn your head to him.

"Well maybe I do not want change. Nothing good comes from change." You continued "Like the water right now. Look. It is calm, it is peaceful. Then a storm comes in and the waves get higher, dangerous, stronger: you could die in there if you are not careful."

"But then it passes." You think about your father's words for a second then shake your head.

"And what do we gain? Destroyed boats. Ruined homes! We only get destruction and debris. Change is bad." You argue crossing your arms.

Your father looks at you wide-eyed with your analogy and next does a very deep sigh. "You only look at situations with such negativity. You debate only on the negative points but not the positive ones." Then taps your shoulder and points to the village.

"We gain a strong community. By helping repair the damages we gain strong bonds from teamwork, we help each other through the pain of losses and by building up that community again it only gets stronger." He spoke then crouched down to your level. "I asked you to do this because I have hope in you and your sibling's abilities. I want you to teach with a strong heart and a loving mind. I want you to do this not only with those kids but in life. The world is such a dark place but there will always be a form of light. I am telling you this not as the chief of the Metkayina but as your sempul." Your father gently cupped your face with one hand and held your hand up with the other.

You look up at him, your eyes growing weary. "I am scared of having new experiences, new feelings, new thoughts. I do not want them." You mumbled.

"But that is what builds us to the people we are today." Tonowari says gently. "Just keep an open mind. Please."

You looked at the jewellery on your feet and quietly nodded. "I will try for my own sake."

"That is a start." Your father chuckled, stood up and embraced you.

You gladly accepted. He let go and you smiled.

"Thank you."

This touching moment quickly ended when you saw your sister running straight at you.

"Y/n! Y/n!" She shouted as she made it to you. "Come swim with us." Tsireya smiled at you enthusiastically, jumping up and down a bit.

You looked over at your father and nodded. You smiled back at your sister. She grabbed your hand and began to run. You followed in suit and ran, trying to have the same speed as your sister


Look. LOOK! I understand you guys are probably thinking 'Where's Neteyam'. I swear he is on the way. I just want you to really understand y/n and her character in this book. So please remain civil.

*I really wanna thank all the people who have read this far and are actually enjoying the story. We are on the way to 1K VIEWS! And I am so excited.

*To show me some love please vote, share, add to your reading lists or even comment (I love when people comment so don't be scared :3)

*New chapter tomorrow!

Thank you for reading 🫶🏾

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