Chapter 10

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Everyone else followed Lo'ak's lead and jumped into the water. You were about to jump too but someone gripped your shoulder. Your breathing hitched, slapping the hand away. You turned to see Neteyam quickly letting go and putting his hands up in the air.

"Woah Y/n it's only me." He laughed but noticed your red, glossy eyes. "Wait...have you been crying?" He furrowed his brows trying to take your hand but you pulled away.

"No. Something just went in my eye." You lied horrendously.

"I'm not convinced just let me see-" Neteyam tried to get a good look at you but you pushed him and turned your head.

"Why can you not just leave me alone?!" You raised your voice.

"Because I care Y/n! I care about your health. I care about your safety. I care about y-" He tried walking up to you once again.

"Well then stop caring!" You hissed. Then jumped into the water and quickly swam away.

"Y/n." Was all you heard as you swam away.


Once you got out of the water, you just stood on the golden sand full of rage. You snapped at Neteyam who only wanted to help you. All of this because your emotions put a chokehold on you.

You knew what you had to do; You had to apologise to him.

You only hope that this wouldn't ruin your friendship with him.

You decided to sit near the docks and wait for Neteyam to come back. Honestly, you expected to come over immediately (since it was his nature to always help head first) but he was gone for quite a while.

Soon you saw Rotxo and Neteyam exiting the water.

You stood up and ran up to them. Once you were face to face with Neteyam, you eyes looked at his now honey yellow ones. Rotxo saw this and just shook his head as he left you two to have your moment.

"I am so sorry for shouting at you Neteyam. I kinda got into an argument with my brother and I was just so mad that I let all that out on you!" You said apologetically, not once looking away from him.

"It's okay Y/n! Next time just try and talk to me about it. You know I would never judge you and I care about you a lot. I only wanna make you happy N/n (nickname)." He replied, smiling at you warmly and you returned that warm smile.

"N/n huh?" You ask while keeping that smile and leaning your head towards him.

"Yeah, it's bad isn't it?" He asked, turning away from your gaze, scratching his head.

"Oh no. Not at all. I like it." You grabbed his hand and patted it to give him reassurance.

Neteyam looked back at you once more and then smirked. This was the right time to take some of Rotxo's advice.

"You know if you really want me to completely forgive you could do something for me..."

"What is that something?" You questioned. You felt the gears moving in your head as he said that. Guessing what he wanted from you.

"You could...come with me on a Ilu ride." He finally said.

As he said that, he took his hand out so you could grab it but you only looked at him suspiciously.

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