Chapter 6

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"Hey! Come on y/n we're teaching them how to ride Ilus! Hurry up over here!" Your brother shouted waving to you two in the shallow water.

You nodded, stood up from the rock, dived in the water and swam over to your brother at a quick pace.

Neteyam watched as you swam and shook his head and ran over to the rest of them.


Once you were near your brother, you stopped swimming and stood up in the shallow water next to him.

A little while later Neteyam arrived and stood in front of you with the rest of his siblings and Tsireya. The youngest Sully made a hand motion to be picked up by him. He then swiftly boosted her up.

You couldn't help but smile at the sibling moment; he was so fartherly to her and you found that adorable but Neteyam made eye contact with you with his iconic smile on his face, raising his brow. You quickly clear your throat as you were embarrassed you got caught and look over at your brother.

"Let us call the Ilu."  You whisper

He nodded and you both made a calling sound by clicking your tongues against the roofs of your mouths.

Three Ilus made their way up to the surface doing small tricks and flips.

"These are Ilu." You said looking down, petting one of them as one slides past you.

"If you want to live here you have to ride." Your brother takes over, speaking sternly. He was about to walk to Neteyam but you call for the Ilu to follow you as you walk to Neteyam. Ao'nung growled and scowled but you ignored him.

"I will be teaching you, Neteyam." You say calmly making quick eye contact with him then you look down and pet the Ilu by your hip to calm your nerves.

Neteyam loved how you were so gentle with any animal, he kinda wished that Ilu was him, and the way you said his name was like a soothing lullaby. He was honestly quite glad she picked him; this means he would get more time to be near you.

However you only picked Neteyam because you knew his name.

'Oh Eywa I am just as bad with names like Ao'nung. Why Eywa why?'

"Okay. Tuk you wait back there I'll be back." He placed Tuk down and she nodded swimming back a bit.

You tapped the Ilu and made her go in between you and Neteyam. He looked at you for permission to climb on the Ilu and you nodded.

As he got on you spoke: "Now you must be very gentle with her. Have a calm mind. If you are calm and gentle it will be a breeze." He nodded.

You took her antenna and then caressingly grab Neteyam's braid without asking. His eyes widened slightly but then smirked.

"You're quite forward." You stopped and dropped his braid, shaking your head hastily.

"Apologies. I am used to teaching children and I usually do this part for them." You begin to blush and look down ashamed.

"Oh no It's fine. I'm only messing with you. Carry on." He definitely didn't mind you touching him he liked, it felt so relaxing.

Once again you grab his braid, your hand shaking a bit and you make the bond. The Ilu starts to move around a bit hastily. You shushed her, soothing her while patting her.

"You are nervous." You glanced up at Neteyam.

"Maybe a bit." He replied scratching the top of his head.

"She feels what you feel. She sees what you see. Now, take some breaths to calm yourself." I start to breathe in and out as you put your hand on his abdomen. You were sheepish but this was how you always did it.

What you felt was so weird and you can't decipher why. You felt all warm and fuzzy. It was all so new and it always lingered when you were around him.

From the corner of your eye you saw Ao'nung's friends watching you guys but you shook it off.

"You must breathe from here." You say pressing his abdomen as you continue to breathe. Neteyam follows your breathing but closes his eyes to help clear his mind. He knew if he looked at you or even thought about you his breathing would stagger or he would even lose breath.

"Very good." You praise him. He smiles at you slightly as he opens his eyes. "Save that smile for when you succeed." Pulling your hand away. "Hold there." You pointed at the handle. "Remember what I said." Neteyam nodded and the Ilu began to swim.

You looked behind you to see your brother's friends chanting "oooooooo" just waiting for him to fall in the water. As they did this, you looked at Neteyam going into the water praying to Eywa that he would succeed and not get pulled by the current.

Your prayers were soon answered! He got out of the water, turned around and grinned widely as he waved coming back to you. His smile was so infectious and you couldn't help but curl your lips into a smile. Tuk cheered as she saw her brother, waving back at him.

The other boys groaned at his success.

He sped up but as he came to you slowed down.

"How did I do?" He still had that big grin on his face as he looked down and asked you.

"What do you think?" You questioned back. You laughed a bit but covered your mouth not to show your toothy grin.

You heard laughter and you and Neteyam turned to your brother.

"What is so funny?" You tilted your head.

"Forest boy failed." One of his friends answered.

The Ilu then turned to the poor boy and slashed him with its tail. You look over at your sister laughing a bit and she did as well trying to hide it.

"Ugh! Screw this!" The boy said passing you guys and going to shore. Your laughter dropped after he passed you.

"Lo'ak!" Neteyam called the boy and got off the Ilu to get to him but then you grabbed his shoulder.

"Leave him. Let him cool down. Sometimes you cannot get everything correct on the first try." You say, shaking your head. He sighed with his brows furrowed.

"He'll be fine." You reassure him. You then turn to Tuk and smile.

"Tuk, would you like to feed the Ilu?" You ask as the Ilu spins around you.

"Oh yes please!" She jumped up and down splashing you.

"Okay. okay." You laugh. "...Would you like to join us?" Turning to Neteyam slowly. He quickly nodded his head with a goofy smile. His mood changed in an instant.

"Yeah. Sure."

"Okay. Let me get the fish." You say then swam off to shore.

Neteyam just stared. You were just too alluring. It was just too hard to stare away from you.

Tuk looked suspiciously and just laughed. She knew what's up between you two.


Heyyyy. As I'm posting this it's almost midnight and we just hit 6k and almost 300 votes.

*Once again thank you to all my supporters (y'all are the ones that keep me writing). To show me some love you can do this by sharing this story, commenting, voting, following me and add this to your reading list.

*I may drop two chapters tomorrow because I really want a break for Christmas because I'm gonna to PARTY!!!

Thank you for reading 🫶🏽

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