Chapter 13

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"Y/n, let me into your heart." He asked, putting his hand to your heart and felt your heartbeat.

You look up and hesitantly kiss his cheek as your hand was on his heart.

"You know I am a dead girl walking." You whispered.

"Then let me walk with you."

"...Please let us keep this on the low. Just for a bit." You pleaded, leaning your forehead on his and he did the same.

"For you Y/n, I'll do anything." He closed his eyes, intertwined his hands with yours as your noses touched.


After that day, you and Neteyam have been keeping your relations a secret (if you wanna call it that). At least you don't think anyone knows because no one has really confronted you two.

By day, you two acted as 'friends' but at night you two had little 'dates' (Neteyam called them) looking at the stars in an abandoned cave you've found.

The cave was full of luminescent plants that dangled on the roof and the entrance. In the centre, there was a large peephole where you and Neteyam would lay down to look at the moons and daily eclipses Pandora would have. To top it all off, the cave had its own mini waterfall which created a decent size pool to dip in.

There was a comfortable silence as you two laid down, on the cave's moss, hand in hand. Neteyam looked at the stars while you shut your eyes enjoying the silence.

Neteyam saw a shooting star pass and shook your arm.

"Look Y/n a shooting star! Did you wish?" He questioned, squeezing your hand.

You quickly opened your eyes but sighed not seeing the shooting star in the sky.

"Aw, I did not have time."

"Is there something you wish for?"


"What do you wish?"

"I wish we were two other people. Two people who do not eventually have to say goodbye." You say sadly as you continue to look at the stars.

"Don't say that." Neteyam shook his head.

"But it is true."

"Don't you think your parents would understand?"

"Understand what?"

"You know what." He said, tightening his hand that held yours.

"Well...My mother sees you as a demon, my brother thinks you are using me and my father would disappointed."

"Why is that?" He asked laying down on his side.

"He had plans for me. Expectations for me. To be with a good Metkayian man. Not this. Hiding someone I...I care about." Your voice cracked.

You loved your father so much. To imagine his disappointment, the look on his face when you told him about this horrified you.

"...Well then what about Tsireya. Does she know?"

"I am pretty sure. She would be happy because she is a very supportive person. Also she has a fat crush on your brother." You said rolling your eyes at memories of her constantly gazing at Lo'ak.

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