Chapter 15

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"I do not understand why you cannot accept them. Father has. Mother...well she is working on it but why not you?" You asked in a hush voice.

"They are not like us!" He answered flailing his arms up and then dropped them down.

"And we are not like them! Yet they are trying their best to adapt. Maybe you need to adapt too." You spoke sternly, pressing your finger to Ao'nung's chest.

"...I just feel like they are a waste of time. They may try to be us but they will never be us." Ao'nung growled as he slapped your arm.

"I pray that you find Eywa again because it seems that your selfishness and laziness have clouded your judgement and your brain...if you have any brain left." You said, shaking your head as you shoved passed him to enter your home.

You knew the only reason he did not like them was because he did not want to teach them. He saw all of them as a waste of time which just angered you. You knew if he said anything else about Neteyam and his family you would have smacked him across the face.


The next day you decided to collect some sea shells along the shore.

This was one of the many ways that kept you calm and collected. Just walking along the sand enjoying the beaming sun rays absorb on your smooth skin. Eyes pointed to the ground to find any shells and make some cute accessories with them.

You were so focused you didn't hear footsteps behind you. You soon feel slender arms wrap themselves around your waist causing you to pull them away and turn around, prepared to slap someone if necessary.

"Oh it is you." You say and get out of your fighting stance you didn't remember doing.

"You seem upset. Were you expecting someone else?" Neteyam replied sadly, tilting his head.

You stepped a little closer to him with your hands behind your back.

"Of course not." You smiled.

Neteyam once again wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in close to kiss your lips. You quickly put a finger up to his lips.

"I thought we were keeping this a secret." You looked up at him smirking.

"I am sure everyone knows by now love." He laughed. Your eyes widened when he called you love.

"Love?" You asked. You were a little shaken.

"Well I love you don't I?" He leaned closer to your face but you hesitantly looked away.

"Aw is someone embarrassed-" He laughed but then both of your ears picked up on a ruckus.

The two of you looked into the direction of the noise to see Lo'ak being pushed around by Ao'nung's friends.

"Ao'nung." You muttered biting your tongue.

Neteyam let go of your waist and stormed over to the group, hair swinging left and right as he drew closer to them. You were behind him in case there was a fight about to erupt.

"Leave us alone!" Kiri shouted at the boys as they pushed and tugged her brother.

Neteyam briskly walked to your brother, grabbed his shoulder and aggressively pushed him. While you stood behind him ready to step in at any time.

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