Chapter 5

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"Kiri. Where is Kiri."

"Did you see her?" My sister questioned.

You nodded and pointed to the ocean.

"Is she okay?" Everyone turned to you.

"Um yes I saw her swimming away exploring the reef. I am sure she is fine." Twiddling with the accessories on your body.

"We must be sure. Rotxo go find Kiri." Your sister ordered. Rotxo let out a deep sigh and entered the water once more.

"We will swim back to shore just in case she comes back. The Sully's sighed and we swam back to shore.


You gracefully exited the water with a lingering sadness. You did not want to leave the ocean. It felt so comforting to you and the atmosphere was so calm but bustling with life.

To end this sadness, you went over to the rocks at the end of the shore and sat on it. One leg hugged to your chest and the other loosely swung up and down in the water as you looked up at the endless sky.

The oldest Sully turned to you a bit confused.

"What is she doing?" The older forest brother whispered to Tsireya.

"She is in her own world again. She is doing this more often now." Tsireya sighed as looked at her older sister with a worried look with her hand resting on her cheek.

"She is just weird. She always has been and cannot get her head out of the clouds." Ao'nung shrugged. Your sister pushed his shoulder and gave her a look
"No literally she is looking at the clouds." He pointed at you and he was actually correct.

You looked at the sky in fascination.


Curiosity was just killing the oldest Sully. You may have been fascinated by the sky but he was fascinated by you.

How the sun beautifully shone on your features. How your eyes lit up when you saw something remarkable near you. How your full h/c luscious hair flowed in the water so freely as you swam. How your smile only came once in a blue moon but it was so worth the wait when it appeared.

From the first time your eyes met each others he felt something. He didn't know if you felt it but he did and he wanted you to see him like the way you saw the world around you.

He slowly walked up to you with confidence in his walk.

"What is he doing?" Your brother asked while giving him deathly glares.

"Stop it Ao'nung and help me save Tuk."

"Who?" He asked but turned to see the little child bobbing up and down the water. He growled and rushed over.

Meanwhile the Sully was a few feet away from you. Your ears twitched as you heard him walk along the sand. You looked out of the corner of your eye and saw who it was. Once you did, your eyes rapidly turned the other way.

He stood an inch away from you and you sigh, not moving at all.

"What do you want, forest boy?" You said plainly.

"Well my name is not forest boy. It's Neteyam." He smirked looking down at you and he couldn't help but look at the jewellery all over your body and hair.

"Please leave me alone."

"For a person that wants to be left alone you draw a lot of attention with those pearls." Neteyam said scanning your facial features.

"It is tradition to wear the things that come from the water as clothing....My mother says pearls are believed to offer protection, as well as attract good luck and wealth. They are also known for their calming effects." You said still staring at the abyss knowing you were rambling now. "You probably think I am weird. Everyone does." You went on whispering the last bit.

"You're not weird, you're mysterious. You're a mystery that can't be solved by regular Na'vi. People call anything they don't understand weird, that's all. Whether they mean it in a rude way or not." He said softly.

You slowly turn your head to meet his eyes. Something turning inside your stomach. A new feeling you have not felt and cannot pinpoint it. But you pushed it down as you took a few breaths.

"I'll be the one to solve you y/n. You hear my words." He spoked determinedly getting a bit closer to your face where you could feel his breath against your skin.

'Too...much...power!' You thought while looking into his lime green eyes.

You quickly turn around and look at your feet.

"Okay. Good luck with that." You slightly chuckle.

"Hey! Come on y/n we are going to teaching them how to ride Ilus! Hurry up over here!" Your brother shouted waving to you two in the shallow water.

You nodded, stood up from the rock, dived in the water and swam over to your brother at a quick pace.

Neteyam watched as you swam, shook his head and ran over to the rest of them.


Hey readers. We just hit 4k, 200 votes and I hit over 100 followers! AHHHH. Thank you so much for all the love.

Andddd I may have forgotten to post the second chapter last night. . .
BUT LISTEN IT'S NOT MY FAULT OKAY! I just got so tired of writing that last chapter I took a break and that break turned into a 10 hour nap 🙃

But I was happy when I woke up to 100+ notifications for my story. Y'all are crazy supportive!

*Moving on, don't forget to vote, comment, share, follow me and add to your reading list to show me how much you love this story :3

*Thank you for reading and to be nice since my plans are cancelled due to this British weather -_-
I will be writing another chapter later today. (I'm scared of making a promise so just believe I will).

Thank you for the love 🫶🏾🫶🏾

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