Chapter 11 (Mother knows best)

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"It just feels right! But so wrong at the same time..." You lowered your head in frustration.

"It doesn't have to be like that. Just embrace the feeling. Don't fight it. Don't fight this feeling between us." He spoke in a hushed tone, gently using his finger to raise your chin to meet his eye.

You finally pivoted your body on the Ilu to meet him face to face and put your hands on his shoulders so you can move to his ear and whisper to him.

"I cannot make any promises."

"...Well all I know is I'm not gonna fight these feelings I have for you, Y/n."


You turned away shyly now knowing that your new friend likes you. You didn't know how to feel. It was surprising to say the least, no one ever looked at you with such...admiration like Neteyam did.

No one ever looked at you...

To say you were overwhelmed was an understatement.

"I have to go." You whispered. You were about to let go of the bond between you and the Ilu before he grabbed your wrist.

"Stop running away from me N/n. If you run I will catch up to you." Neteyam spoke into your ear as you looked down at the water, staring at the moon's reflection.

"I just- I need to think." As you said that his grip loosened and you dived in the water straight after.

Once again, you swam away from your problems. Just like you always did. Not even bothering to care about what Neteyam was feeling. Selfish? Yes. But at least it stopped you from getting too attached. Just like she taught you.

You went onto land and ran back to your Marui with tears about to leave your eyes but you sucked it up.

'Crying gets you nowhere.' You heard a voice say in your head.

You made it home panting by the entrance as you looked up to see her.

"Y/n! Oh thank Eywa my daughter is home." Ronal slowly stood up and walked her way towards you hugging you tightly.

You hugged back looking up at the ceiling, trying to not let a tear run. Your mother let go of you and took your hands as she stepped back to get a good look at you.

"What is wrong, my daughter? Where were you?" She asked worried about your wellbeing.

"I went for a swim." You shrugged slightly.

"This late? Were you with someone?"

You looked down looking at your clothes and nodded.

"You must tell me all about it. Come I will re-braid your hair. It is so messy." She said laughing at the last bit of her sentence.

She began to drag you to a mirror and you sat in front of it while she sat behind you.

"Now tell me. What is troubling you?" She began to unbraid your hair as she questioned you.

"I think...I think I like someone." You admitted looking at yourself in the mirror.

"Someone who has my daughter's heart? And who would that be?" She asked with raised her nonexistent eyebrows.

She was surprised. You have never told her anything about any crushes (for a good reason) but this one had weighed on you. You needed to tell someone. Anyone.

"...Jake Sully's eldest son." You said looking down.

"No. You cannot." She replied coldly as she unravelled your hair at a quicker pace.

"I know." You then winced as you felt a sharp pain on your scalp.

"No Y/n you do not! Do you know who you are? You are the chief's daughter, my daughter. Imagine if the village heard of this." She shook her head at the thought.

You stayed silent knowing if you spoke now you would get shouted at.

"You are to set an example to your people. A Metkayina and an Omatikaya do not mix. You just do not see that. It is unnatural, it goes against our nature."

"But-" You were cut off.

"No. No! You are to teach him our ways. Nothing more nothing less. Do you understand?" She said sternly pointing a finger at you in the mirror.

"Maybe-" You were cut off once more.

"Do not argue with me! I said you understand?"

You looked down in shame. You could never win with her.

"Yes mother." You whispered.


You raised your head up so she could start braiding your hair.

"You know I love you dearly." She spoke soothingly.

"I know."

"We just cannot trust his kind."

"So we cannot trust fellow Na'vi now?" You asked with your teeth clenched.

"You know what I mean Y/n. Do not play dumb." She hissed.

There was silence as she braided your hair. You just looked at the ground, not daring to look into the mirror.

"I know it is hard for you to understand now but it is for the best. Trust me." She spoke up adding some f/c (favourite colour) pearls in your hair.

"I know." You mumbled.

"You should really find a nice Metkayina boy. Maybe Rotxo! I remember he used to have a crush on you. But it is fine. If you do not find someone in time I will find someone for you..." Your mother teased.

You just nodded, biting the inside of your cheeks.

Ronal proudly smiled and looked at the work she did on your hair. Instead of braiding everything she just braided the top and let the rest of your hair flow down. Similar to Tsireya.

"What do you think? I love it! It suits you perfectly." She clapped her hands then used her hand to raise your chin to make you look at yourself in the mirror.


"Of course it is. I did it. Your hair looks so nice like this."

"It definitely does." You reply. Your eyes clouded with tears as you continued to stare at yourself in the mirror.

Your mother put her chin on your head and played with your f/c earrings.

"Now, what do I always say?"

"Mother knows best..."

"Yes. Mother knows best." Ronal smiled proudly.

"You are such a good girl Y/n."

Finally a tear rolled down your left cheek as you closed your eyes you smiled widely.

"Why are you crying, my pretty little pearl?"

"I am just so happy." You breathed heavily, still keeping the fakest smile you could muster.

"Well I am glad." She closed her eyes whispering to you softly.


*Hey guys. Been a while and I apologise for the wait. I have been super sick (still am as I'm writing this) to the point I can't get out of bed or even speak. I don't why but oh well.

Did I give this title because of a Tangled reference? Possibly 🤷🏾

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*another chapter coming in a few hours

Thank you for reading 🫶🏾

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