Chapter 7

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"Tuk, would you like to feed the Ilu?" You ask as the Ilu spins around you.

"Oh yes please!" She jumped up and down splashing you.

"Okay. okay." You laugh. "...Would you like to join us?" Turning to Neteyam slowly. He quickly nodded his head with a goofy smile. His mood changed in an instant.

"Oh yes."

"Okay. Let me get the fish." You say then swam to swim off to shore.

Neteyam just stared. You were just too alluring. It was just hard to stare away.


Once you got the eel-like fish into a bag, you walked back into the shallow water. You went up to Tuk, took a fish out of the bag and gave it to her.

"All you have to do is gently throw it in front of her and then she will catch it. Understand?"

Even though Tuk nodded, you saw she had a nervous look in her eye.

"Watch me." You pet the Ilu, got out another fish and dangled it in front of its face. The Ilu's head followed the food's movement. Next to you, you heard Tuk laugh a bit. You finally released the fish from your grasp and it skillfully caught it.

Tuk clapped and came up to pet its chin.

"Now it is your turn Tuk." You say. She answered by nodding enthusiastically at you.

You gave her the fish and she threw it. The Ilu then caught it. Tuk moved back a bit nervously as it did that but got over it as the Ilu made a few squeals, showing its joy. This made Tuk's face light up and she hugged it.

"I love her already." She says with a toothy grin.

"I am glad." You smile, looking down at her.

But you just remembered Neteyam. He was nowhere in sight.

'Where is Neteyam?' You thought, looking left and right. You then turn behind you to see the boy just gazing your way.

'Is he looking at me?' You stopped entertaining that thought and just assumed he was looking at the Ilu.
'What a weirdo.' You thought not in a rude way but not a nice one either. You say what you see and staring is not only rude for you but it's very weird when they are not talking, just staring.

You folded your arms and furrowed your brows. "Are you just going to gaze at the Ilu or are you gonna help me feed them?"

"What?" He looked at you confused like he just came out of a trance.

"That is why you came, no? To feed the Ilu?" You gave a small bag of fish to Tuk so she could feed her Ilu then you tilt your head to Neteyam.

"Yeah. Right. I just got distracted, that's all." Neteyam replied, gradually walking to you, holding the back of his neck.

"I could tell." You then flung a big bag of fish at him, shaking your head. He then caught it with one hand and smirked looking back at you.

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