The end

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Hello readers! I know I haven't been updating and there's a reason for that.
If it wasn't obvious, I have no motivation to keep going with this story and honestly I don't really like this story (at all). I did in the beginning but I was new to writing fanfics and I was just excited to get atleast one view on this story and just write (probably why I made so many spelling mistakes and didn't reread my chapters).

A final thank you to everyone who read, voted and followed this journey with me but this journey is over so a new one must begin.

A few chapters ago, I did say I was going to do an Ao'nung fanfic and I still am. I feel this time I'm ready and more prepared because of this book so it wasn't all a waste :)

Ao'nung X male reader fanfic coming soon. Interested? Then follow me so you know when it's posted and you can instantly read it.

That's all from me.

Thank you for reading 🫶🏾

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