Chapter 16

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"Enough!" You shouted angrily as you went over and pulled Neteyam off of Ao'nung.

"Look at you. Absolutely foolish! Especially you Ao'nung. How can you be a warrior in training and yet get beat up when you have an advantage in number of people huh?!" You scolded the boys. They were all in a huddle staring at you while touching the parts of their bodies that ached.

They have never seen you this angry but it seems nowadays there is always something or someone to be mad at.

"Go home all of you!" Was all you said before grabbing your brother's hand and walking to your marui, hoping mother was home to patch him up.

"Father is going to be so mad. Especially at me. I could have stopped this." You said. You were now in full blown panic mode.

"Then why did you not?" Your older brother growled.

"You deserved a good beating. Hopefully that beat some sense into you."


You pushed Ao'nung into your Marui only to see a panicked Tsireya rushing to the two of you.

"Who did this to you?" Tsireya asked, her hands on Ao'nung's shoulders while examining the bruises on his face.

"Those freaks." He mumbled.

"With good reason." You interjected, scowling at him.

"Quick. Y/n pass me some herbs, a pestle and mortar." Your sister commanded, pointing to the herbs beside you.

You did as you were told and grabbed everything needed. As you got the herbs ready, Reya pushed her brother onto the ground to sit. You then went to sit beside her. She grabbed the herbs from your hands and began to mix them using the pestle and mortar.

Ao'nung had his head down so he could avoid your intense glare.

Tsireya on the other hand was glaring at the mixture. She was little annoyed that her siblings weren't explaining the situation (as usual) but she just kept her mouth shut and mixed aggressively to put out the silent anger inside her.

"Why would you do that?" You asked coldly.

"Do what?" Ao'nung questioned, finally looking up at you with a irritated look on his face.

"Do not play dumb. Why did you try to mock Kiri?" You asked, crossing your arms.

"Kiri is a freak and she deserves to know it."

"No. No. You only did that to make yourself feel better, to feel superior to our guests and because of that you got beat up by only two people."

"It was Lo'ak's fau-" Your brother tried to talk but you cut him off.

"No! I am speaking. You are going to listen." You spoke sternly pointing at him.

He simply sighed and tilted his head up fully.

"To make matters worse, you spoke about my relationship with Neteyam in front of your friends. Do you understand how embarrassing that is?! I never told you to spread the news about my relationship. Not even mother or father know about this! That means it is private information. You know that because you are my brother and you know how I am! I trusted you but now I do not think I can..." You exclaimed, letting out a heavy sigh.

Tsireya just tried to focus on healing the bruise on her older brother's face so she didn't have to get involved in this situation. You sounded so done with Ao'nung and the stuff he has done to you.

"So then if you have not told father you know being with him is wrong, right?" He asked and smirked.

You thought about what he said and shut your mouth. You looked down at your necklace. The worst part of this was for once he was actually right. You were scared of how your father would react to you and Neteyam because you two were so 'different'. Demons.

"I know it. You know it. Reya knows it too." As he said that, you both turned to your younger sister.

"Lo'ak?" You questioned.

She looked away from her sibling's gazes before she spoke.

"...Look, we should not be arguing like this. We are family and we should be working together. Not fighting and bickering over something as stupid as liking someone 'different'." Reya spoke as she stood up and put the herbs away.

"Why would I want to be family with a fool like her?" Ao'nung laughed.

Your ears dropped and you stood up while Ao'nung still sat relaxed on the floor still laughing.

You had enough and went off on him.

"And why would I want to be with a useless, selfish, heartless brother like you?" You asked while laughing as well.

Ao'nung eyes expanded and stood up to tower over you. You stopped laughing and looked up at him more vexed than ever.

"I hate you Ao'nung. I hate you with all my heart, my body, and my spirit. Ever since Neteyam and his family arrived you have become more of a jerk by the day. You are so selfish you cannot even see how happy Neteyam makes me and how Lo'ak makes Reya happy too. As an older brother you should support my happiness but all you do is try and manipulate me into thinking loving someone like Neteyam is so wrong. I hate that so now I hate you...I hate you so much I do not even want to call you my brother anymore." You finished.

Your eyes full of rage and teeth bared to him. You pushed him away from you in anger.

You have kept inside so many thoughts and feelings to the point you internally exploded.

In response Ao'nung just looked at you with such...sadness in his eyes but had a scowl on his face. He quickly turned away and stormed out of the Marui.

Tsireya had her hands over her mouth while your back was turned to her.

"Why would you say such things Y/n?" Reya asked, shocked at the words you spoke before.

"I just had to let it out..."


*My apologies for the lateness 💀
*Instead of every Friday I'm changing updates to every Friday, Saturday and Sunday because I am stacked with a lot school work.
Thank you guys for over 100k views and 4k votes. It really means the world to me. ❤️

Who do you think is to blame in this situation? 🤔

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*Two more chapters are coming soon today and tomorrow.

Thank you for reading 🫶🏾

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