Chapter 17

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"I hate you Ao'nung. I hate you with all my heart, my body and my spirit. Ever since Neteyam and his family arrived you have become more of a jerk by the day. You are so selfish you cannot even see how happy Neteyam makes me and how Lo'ak makes Reya happy too. As an older brother you should support my happiness but all you do is try and manipulate me into thinking loving someone like Neteyam is so wrong. I hate that so now I hate you...I hate you so much I do not even want to call you my brother anymore." You finished.

Your eyes full of rage and teeth bared to him. You pushed him away from you in anger.

You have kept inside so many thoughts and feelings to the point you internally exploded.

In response, Ao'nung just looked at you with such...sadness in his eyes but had a scowl on his face. He quickly turned away and stormed out of the Marui.

Tsireya had her hands over her mouth while your back was turned to her.

"Why would you say such things Y/n?" Reya asked, shocked at the words you spoke before.

"I just had to let it out..."


You later laid on the docks by the edge of your village looking at the sky. Its bright blue colour slowly transitioned into a swirl of pink,orange and yellow.

You were deep in thought. Constantly thinking if you were to blame in the situation earlier on. You just couldn't help but think maybe if you kept your mouth shut he wouldn't have looked at you with such glum in his eyes. It really hurt seeing your brother like that.

You really did care about your brother but it seems he could never be nice to the Sully siblings.

If we could sit down and have a civil conversation about it maybe this would have been solved and we don't need to fight anymore.

You sighed and began to close your eyes and let the guilt eat away at you further.


Your eyes jolted open in surprise as you turned over to see it was Neteyam.

"Neteyam." You whispered, smiling as you got up and ran up to him to give him a bear hug.

Neteyam stumbled a bit at your powerful hug but he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your head.

"What's wrong, love?" He cooed into your ear.

You looked up at him but then quickly looked down in hesitation.

"...I may have had a fight with my brother and now I do not know what to do." You spilled looking up at Neteyam with worry.

Neteyam let go of your waist and instead grabbed your hand gently to make you sit down on the wooden dock with him.

"Siblings fight all the time, Y/n. You just need to talk to him." He advised you while rubbing circles on the top of your hand with his thumb.

"That is the issue. Will he actually listen to me? I said some bad stuff to him, Neteyam. Real bad stuff." You deeply sighed looking down, remembering every word you said to him.

"Well maybe if you explained what happened I can help you a bit more." Neteyam kisses your hand to cause you to look up in surprise and you quickly turn away in embarrassment.

"I disowned him as a brother..." You mumbled.

Oh Eywa. Hearing that out loud really made you sound like the offender in this situation.

You could see Neteyam slightly frown at what you said. Once you saw his reaction your ears curled back and you looked down at your feet.

"Y/n that's a pretty harsh thing to say to your brother no matter what he did."

"Well maybe he deserved it. Why do I have to change my tone for my brother but he has never done the same for me?" You argued, squeezing Neteyam's hand a bit.

Your eyes shifted to the silent sea of water below, still trying to come up with solutions of your own.

Neteyam thought for a bit as well before he answered the question.

"I never said you had to change for him. I'm saying what you said was way out of line and you should work it out by trying to talk to him calmly and tell him how you really feel." Neteyam replied calmly to you.

You sighed and looked deep into his alluring yellow eyes that glistened slightly as Neteyam finished his monologue.

"When we bottle up our feelings they tend to build up until we reach a breaking point and just destroy anything in our path. It may not seem like it but words are the deadliest weapon of all." Neteyam finished, leaning in closer to you and squeezed your hand for reassurance.

"I guess you are right. But what if I talk to him and he doesn't hear me out?"

"You keep on talking to him till he does. Patience is key."

" know I am not a patient person." You grunt.

"Yeah. I've noticed." Neteyam smirked.

In return you playfully pushed and rolled your eyes at him causing you both to laugh.

That laughter would die down instantly once you heard a familiar voice.


You look at the direction of the voice to see your brother.

"Ao'nung?" You looked at him wide eyed and confused. You could just see the guilt
on his face.

'Is he finally gonna apologise!?' You thought excitedly.

"I messed up. Real bad."

Both you and Neteyam stood up ready to hear an apology but instead you heard something that just made your jaw drop.


*Hey everyone...I am deeply sorry for not updating but I will be trying to post new chapters. Slowly.

I'm working like a robot in school so I basically get no free time to actually write freely but while I'm away y'all have still been loving my story and I love y'all for that ❤️
Thanks for all the love even though this chapter is very late.

*I just struggle with getting stuff finished that I'm not too passionate about anymore. Also, school work is very draining.

Thank you for your patience though 🙏🏾

I've also been really thinking about a Ao'nung X reader and have so many ideas so I can't wait to finish this book (one, mostly because I hate how I made the story; two, if you haven't noticed this story wasn't very planned when I made it; three, this is my first fanfic and I have made so many beginner mistakes and I just love Ao'nung so much 🤭)

*Anyways, to show a hard working student some love, vote for this chapter, follow me, add to your reading list if you haven't already, share this book to others and comment.

*New chapters coming soon

Thank you for reading 🫶🏾

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