Chapter 2!

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It wad six o'clock in the morning and dad and mum were waiting for brother to pick me up. My younger brother starts school before me. A week before me.

My dad was getting tired of waiting when a car pulled in. It was my brother. After getting out of the car we could smell the sweat and him being upset. He apologised for being late, but his tyre went flat. So, he had to change it. He hugged our parents and then me. I know he wanted to see our younger brother too, so was extra sad that he missed him.

We started packing my things in the car and then we said goodbye and left. On the way to his. Which was going to take three hours, I asked him where's Perth.

He told me that the Alpha wanted to see him, as it was important.

I nodded I understanding and fell asleep for two hours. When I woke up it was half an hour until we get there. We arrived and unpacked. We were just about to finishing unpacking when Perth arrived and stop Saint from lifting heavy things. I gave them what's going on face and found out their pregnant and that my parents know.

After we were done, Perth came into my room and asked if I needed help. I said I was fine. He then told me that when the Alpha is free he wants me to meet him.

I agreed and came down for dinner.

The week went by quite fast and I got messages from all my brothers telling me to have good day. I got the same from my parents. My best friend sent can't wait to see you again. I arrived at school and was ploughed by Gulf. Who hugged me as if I would disappear. We went to class and some were okay.

This is Gulf my best friend:

It has been a few months and I haven't heard anything more about meeting the Alpha and I was so happy

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It has been a few months and I haven't heard anything more about meeting the Alpha and I was so happy. I spent my time either with Gulf or doing school work. I rather get things out of the way, quicker than wait to further closer to the time.

My brother invited me to a photoshoot and he got me to have photos done. I loved them. These are the results of them:

My brother decided to do couple pictures are decided to put it on their engagement cards with the news

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My brother decided to do couple pictures are decided to put it on their engagement cards with the news. I only knew because I was there. This is how there's turned out:

 This is how there's turned out:

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They are so cute. After it was all done and we went to go get lunch. I caught a whiff. My wolf reacted strongerly to it. It kept saying Mate mate. Great they are here somewhere. I wasn't going to follow the smell. Which upset my wolf, as the smell got further and further away.

But then it became closer. I was too busy chatting to Mew my brother. My wolf kept shouting "mate mate mate mate".

I looked down at their shoes and they were expensive looking. That got me thinking what if they are one of those rich guys who think they can do whatever they want. Perth got up and ran round the table before getting some more seats and inviting them to sit down. The man sat down next me and then I realised there was more people with him. I saw out of the corner of my eye my brother get up and bow. He sent evils at me.

I turned to look to see who this guy was and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the one and only Alpha. I obviously couldn't hide my surprise in my eyes as he laughed. I looked at my hands and bowed. He had a slight smile on his face. His eyes told me multiple things. One that he is hoping this isn't a waste of his time and that he will crush anyone if it is. All of a sudden all emotion left his face and he asked me what my name was.

I told him that I Nunew Hia Suppasit and he asked my age and I said eighteen. He was surprised by my age. My brother cut in before I could ask why. "He'll be turning nineteen in two weeks Alpha. He is my younger brother who's staying with us to go to school. We invited him to a photoshoot. He doesn't really like taking pictures. I just wanted some of him. He is my parents second youngest child. They had four sons, my alpha".

I rolled my eyes at how he seemed to bow down and do and answer everything he is told. He doesn't ever remember his brother like this. I saw that the Alpha seemed amused by my reaction.

All of a sudden my phone went off and it was my friend Gulf. I told my brother I was going to take it. I didn't want to be around the Alpha any longer because he is super confusing. He gave a look that said really in the alpha's presence. I gave him does it look like i want to be here.

I got up and walked a bit away. We started talking and I agreed to go to the movies later tonight. I then realised I was close enough for them to hear what Gulf was Saying. So, I moved forward six steps. I turn around to sign to my brother that I'm going to the movies. While I was doing this the Alpha did this he looked annoyed and jealous and surprised. When my brothers signs "stop the Alpha's here and you need to act better in front of him".

So I signed I'm broken, so it doesn't matter. It looked like the Alpha understood everything. I ended the call with Gulf and walked back to the table and grabbed my stuff. I cuddled Perth, who was laughing at me. But soon got stuck in his throat after being glared at by his mate. I kissed my brother on the head. I can feel his constant stares on me. I bowed to the Alpha and apologised and left.

I met up with Gulf and we had the best time. We had watched half the show, when a break came on and I needed the toilet. I told Gulf and went to the restroom. I was pushed against the door inside. But I can't believe who it was.

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