Chapter 15!

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I watched Zon over the next few months grow and become the best. I saw the great leader qualities in him and I couldn't wait for his siblings to become old enough to play with.

That night I put my babies to bed and realised someone was visiting. But I had already told Zee that I shall sleep because I didn't sleep much the night before. When he heard that he apologised for not noticing and not helping me, with the kids all day. I told him it was fine.

That night he got up and did the night time feeds and soon, Zon began to join him. Then he took Zon back to bed and layed down beside him. They both fell asleep together. I loved them and when I woke up and wanted to talk to Zee, but couldn't see him. I checked the time, thinking maybe I am late. Turns out that I had woken up two hours before the normal time. So, where was he. I realised that I hadn't woken up and fed the baby's all night.

As if, on cue they began to cry and I soothed them. Taking them down to spend time with me. Still no Zee, it wasn't like he was already up. Last night I had a cheating dream but I pushed it to the back of my mind. But now, I started to think am I hot and beautiful anymore.

I made the babies their milk and fed them. Then I realised that there was only one bottle left. I turned to see the machine cleaning all the other bottles. It seemed that the babies had been fed. Rosa the woman who looks after, the house and babysits for events then entered the house.

I thanked her for last night and she reminded me, that she only arrived back in town this morning. She said, she is giving her answer whether she would be able to babysit them for a while, while we are out of town.

She said, that she was free and I said I will work out the details with her later. She nodded and left to go home. I knew now that it wasn't her and then I went to check on Zon who doesn't always sleep at night worried for his siblings. The twins were put back down for another hour.

I opened the door and thought about waking him half an hour earlier. That way, if I can find his father then he can show him his presentation.

I stopped shocked in the doorway, my son was defiantly there and also, there was my fiance. He had his son in his arms snuggled up to him. I smiled and realised that he would really be happy to show him.

I gently woke up, Zon and he groaned that it was too early in the morning and that it wasn't the normal time. I told him that I woke him up, so that he could get ready and then show his dad his presentation. He became excited and jumped up, running to get ready.

When I felt arks wrap around my waist. He asked, why did I wake Zon up this early. I said that because I wanted to help him show his presentation to you. He was happy about that and said, well that we have all day with him today. He said he took the day off. I looked at him, wondering if helping out with the babies last night tired him out. He stood up, hugging me and said he missed spending time with us. So, he wants to do a family outing. I asked really and he nodded, before saying he will make breakfast.

He was cooking, when we came down. I also, saw him on the phone. I wondered if he would rush out of here, afterwards. But instead he said "Hi, it's me Zee  ..., and I wanted yo let you know that Zon won't be coming in today because we are spending it together. Alright thank you, bye".

He had been on the phone talking to Zon's daycare to get them to allow him to stay home today. I noticed he was making Pancakes.

When someone said "Pancakes my favourite". Zee nodded and said, he wanted to do his favourites.

Zon became angry at Dad for being so, nice to another person. But I recognised the voice and hugged the other person. Hearing an angry growl, I stepped away. To see Zon angry, he asked where we both cheating. Then I realised that due to the war that he had never met them.

I told Zee to carry on cooking and I'll explain. He nodded, and said that he would never cheat on me.

I picked up Zon and brought him over to them. He still didn't like them. I said, do you remember your dad talking to you about his brother and where he is. He nodded and I pointed at P'Mile and said this is Daddies big brother and Luna of another pack, Mile. He looked shocked and then he said "So this must be Apo, his mate and the one like your sibling". I nodded and said, I haven't seen them since the war and missed them, so I hugged them. I then said that his daddy remembered what he and his brother liked growing up. He smiled.

He asked me to put him down and then he ran into Mile's arms. He hugged him and Miles hugged him back. He said, he is so happy to hear about what's going on with our family. We thanked him. He took my hand and placed it on Apo's tummy. I felt a kick and realised he was bigger. He told us, that they were pregnant. When the letters came and he plated the food.

He read the letters, including mine. I never cared and gave him permission. He pulled me, away and I thought something bad had happened. He showed me a letter from the doctor, that I went to get a fertility test off of. He apologised to me and showed me the letter. I could no longer have kids.

I went and hugged my babies bringing them down. Zon saw me, crying and ran to me. I held him tight too. Zee held us alp and I felt safe and comforted. But in pain, due to wanting to have more but not being able to.

Zon really wanted to name his new siblings the names he picked. I gave Zee the twins and bend down facing Zon. I apologised to him that he won't get to name a sibling. He looked confused and I said that I can no longer have children. He hugged me and told me, all about how he had the best family already. He also, said that he can always name his own children that.

I smiled and thanked him for understanding. Zon, said don't cry, it's okay you don't need to have loads. I cuddled them crying.

I let Zon go play, but he kept an eye on me. I saw Mile and Apo, talking about something. Apo came over to me and said they are having twins. One of either sex. He asked, if I was alright naming his twins the names instead. I nodded and smiled hugging them. I knew Zon might not want to name his kids that in future.

Apo went over to Zon. After asking, if Zee was okay with that. He bent down and asked if he wanted to name his cousin it instead. He looked very happy and excited. Apo told him that he was having one of each. Zon looked at me and he said that he had the perfect names. He run to his playroom and brought back his pad.

He opened it up and flicked through pages to find the names. Finally finding it and going back to the page. He turned it to face Apo and Miles.

He said, that if its a girl then they can name it Zie and the boy can be named Zin. They loved them and promised him.

Time passed and their babies and the others babies had been born. We invited them to a picnic in our land. Zon was running around with all of his cousins when Apo called for him. He got down beside me and pulled up the cover covering them. He said the girl is named Zie and the boy is named Zin. He thanked them and jumped up and down.

They proved to everyone that they actually named them that and everyone was full on shocked.

I thanked them and told them that Zon has been so thankful for it. Zon wad happily playing with all his cousins and my brothers bonded with Zee's.

I can't imagine how life turned out like this. How did it become so happy?

How did I go from the abused boy, who didn't even want to meet his mate. To the mate of the alpha of the pack. To having a loving and protective mate. To have the new alpha of the pack. To give birth to a loving son. To having two more children. To having my brothers having their happily ever after, too and having their own kids. My brothers being great friends with another alpha from another pack. That the alpha's mate is my mate's brother. That the other Alpha I saved when I was a kid. My mate saved me and got rid of my abusive ex.  That everyone I loved at the beginning has got their happily ever after, also found their mates. How did I go from a depressed, lonely young man, to a cuddly protective mare and parent of my cubs.

I still get therapy to help me, understand that it wasn't my fault what happened to me. To help me understand what happened to me. How it doesn't make me any less of a person.

Zee always made sure to be there for me and shower me with love. All the time, he does the same with his kids and we with him. He shows me, how it feels to be wanted by someone and how it truly feels to love someone.

He is my saviour and the man who keeps me sane. I hope that we would be together, for many years to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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