Chapter 11!

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We let Zon pick his favourite thing and take it back with us. Only one because we are collecting all our stuff and bringing it back to alpha's house. There with us is Perth, holding a bag full of gifts for his family. He was super nervous and he couldn't wait to see his mate again.

He seemed to get angry at the train for taking too long.

Zee calmed him and told him, what he had planned if he hadn't met me when he did. Zon was in my arms humming his favourite song. It was about empowerment as a person.

Both boys looked at us and Zon said it was his favourite song. He asked for my phone. I couldn't get to it. So, Zee gave him his. They listened to the song with Zon and I heard a ringing from my pocket. I put my stuff for Mew's house because he let me know last night dad's condition had worsened and Gulf wanted to spend time with him alone. That Gulf is going to be staying down there to have time with him.

I got my phone and answered it. It was Saint. I quietened Perth. At first he was confused, until I said yes Saint.

He asked me when we would be here and I told him the train was just arriving. So, we would be on the way soon. He said he would wait and meet us at the station. He said Gulf and Mew wanted to spend time with the twins alone. Peat and Fort had went to have some fun. As Peat is in heat and they have missed each other so very much.

I agreed. Zee had carried the stuff on the train and Perth helped Zon up and in. The train was already moving by the time we ended the call. I turned to them  and said Saint's picking us up from the station. So, are you ready Perth.

A smile broke out all over his face. He couldn't wait to see his, mate again.

Half an hour later we arrived and Perth could smell his mate and became very excited. I looked out the window, to see a very confused, yet happy looking Saint. We got off of the train and Zon ran to his uncle. We covered Perth and only showed him when we were super close. He jumped on Perth and Perth caught him happily. He scented him over and over again. He decided to carry Saint all the way to our house. We arrived and everyone smelt Perth and became excited. Peat's twins were completely confused and unsure of him.

Until, Pring and Pleng ran to him, shouting Daddies home. He caught them and snuggled and scent then.

Perth stayed like this for a while. Then he sent the twins to play and grabbed Saint. He kissed every part of his face and every part of skin he could find. Thus caused Saint to moan. He kept sucking hard on the same spot. Giving a really big hickey. Saint had come undone. He grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs. We all knew not to disturb. I went upstairs but instead started packing.

I then visited dad in his room. He looked even paler if it was at all possible. He had no energy and always down and feeling bad for causing problems for his family.

I decided to tell him that we won't be alone if he can't take it anymore. He looked at me, with what do you mean. I told him we have each other and our mates. They have already returned the war is over and we won. Revenge was taken for mum's death. Don't cause yourself more pain by hanging on.

He positively smiled for the first time in a long time. But I knew it was only because be believed that vegance was swift and by the way his body is, I doubt he would last the night.

The next morning, I was right I went to bring him breakfast and he had passed in his sleep. Me and my brothers cried. Our mates doing the best that they can to be there for us.

Zee had a tight grip on my shoulders. He was continously kissing my head and I was just standing in his embrace. Remembering all the good time that I shared with my father and brothers.

How Mew would love to dress up as daddy and try to boss us around on how to make the harvest better. Or that dad used to laugh and tell stories about Saint trying to be just like mummy. By even including wearing the high heels. The first time my dad said he was so proud of me because of our grades.

I remember my dad always making sure to book our birthdays off and give us special treatment. Dad was always there to frighten bullies when I found it hard to transform. How he used to kiss goodnight avlfter reading me and Peat a bed time story. That day we had a funeral for him.

A week later we were all in heat and the children were now having classes to socialize. So, happy for the kids. Their making so many friends. Zon is still mostly cold but he finds it hard to express his feelings.

Zee dotes all over us. When I wanted a drink he got it for me. Then I realised he was too scared to lose me, so makes sure to do everything that I say.

I spoke to him and told him I don't want our relationship like this as I want to dote on you too. I told him that I love him and he smiled, before tackling me to the sofa. He decided he wanted to tease me, so he kissed me super passionately and run his fingers through my hair. He starts kissing down my neck. He starts to kiss me harder on the neck and I sometimes stop him as I want some more. He would lick the area of where he gave me the bite. But now my dad's gone and everyone's gone into heat...

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