Chapter 7! 18+

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The night before, Mew's pov:
I had been invited to Gulf's home. How could I refuse. I realised it was now time to tell him that I fell inlove with him when he was ten and I was thirteen. Him and my brother had finished their course, due to only taking one to help them get into the league of the best fighters and warriors of the pack. Wow, their good.

We were in the car, so I asked him to pull over on the side of the road. He did and looked at me. I could tell I was most defiantly the wife he had all the power in the relationship.

I turned and faced him and told him that I have been inlove with him since he was ten. I looked at his face and he was shocked. He gave me then why tell me now look. So, I explained how I felt bad about asking him out because I only thought you saw me as your best friend's brother. He pulled me into him and kissed me.

Something decided to click in his head. He drove backwards to an abandoned building that went bankrupt. So, his dad brought it to turn it into a training ground. So, there was no cameras. He stopped the car and climbed into the backseat and signaled me to join. When I had he called me so cute. I smiled at him and he grabbed my pants do up and untied them and pulled them down.

I was shocked I didn't know what was going on, so tried to stop him. He asked me did I not want it. I cleared my mind and explained to him that I'm nervous and worried.

He kissed me and told me not to be, as I was the whole packaged. I kissed him and he started sucking my neck. I like to be top but I didn't want to upset him. He layed me down and pulled my pants down and off. He started to suck me off. I was about to come when, he sat on my dick and started riding. I loved it so much and held his hips to allow him to go deeper. Soon he got tired so I flipped us over and rammed into him. He asked me to bite him. So I did it was euphoric. It sent me over the edge. We both came and got dressed back into normal clothes. Went back to his and slept the night away.

The next morning I wad waiting for my brother to post pictures of putting his gifts to good use. When he hadn't I knew something was wrong. Gulf tried to assure me. Until around four in the afternoon, we all found out my brother had given birth to twins. Not only that he lost a lot of blood and late last night Nunew went and donated blood. Which meant that Saint could get better. Saint is now awake and the one who is recovering is Nunew from having that much taken and from being in heat.

I was going to visit. Until, Gulf reminded me what they might be doing. I didn't want to interrupt if it's helping my brother feel better. Plus I realised that Zee wouldn't ever let anything bad happen to Nunew. He loved him so much and would die for him.

I heard a gasp from the toilet room. Gulf had decided to take a pregnancy test to make sure that he's not. But it turns out that he is. He was expecting me to be mad but I was over joyed. My house had enough room for a child and I would spoil them rotten. I couldn't wait. I picked him up and kissed him. I thanked him for being him and that I couldn't wait to be a dad. My phone went off it was the family group chat. Mates were always added. Zee said can we stop sending messages for a while because it interrupting Nunew's rest, after everything that has happened.

The last messages were an agreement to all go back home to parents in a week to meet the twins and help have family bonding time. I told Gulf that would be the perfect time to tell them we are pregnant. He nodded. I kissed his stomach.

Nunew's pov:
Today is the last day that I'm in heat and the third day that Zee is. I was ready for the bite I have recuperated. I told him and he was already inside of me. He nodded and started going faster. Just as we were about to come, he bit down my neck. It felt amazing. This seemed to push his heat back because the next morning he wasn't needing the sex.

I was glad I satisfied him. Tomorrow is the day we are supposed to go to my parents. I'm nervous because if Zee's heat returns then, I don't want to upset family. I would feel uncomfortable to do it in their presence. We also, had to help bond with the twins and spend time with them. What to do?

Zee told me that he will be fine and that he was worried that it will take a toll on my health, after just recovering.

I told him I was fine. The next day, Mile was given temporary control of the pack. So that we had someone in action who our alpha trusted. Perth picked us up and Zee made me sit in the middle in-between him and his guards. He had two behind us and one next to me. Perth was supposed to join in the fight if there is an ambush. But was giving leanance because he had his twins and his wife to look after.

There was a whole other car of guards following us. There were seven in the car. They were ready for anything. If your wondering where is Saint and the twins. Their already there. He wanted to make sure that they had got the initial shock of the first day there with the babies. So, that things can run smoothly the rest of the time.

Perth thanked me over and over again. He told me, that quite a lot of siblings like us don't like each other. Because they were always fighting for their parents attention.

I told him its fine and I would do it all over again.

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