Chapter 13!

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Peats pov:
I have brought Fort down to my parents old house because I wanted to show him, how the twins grew. As in, how me and my three brothers raised that many children. Also, my brother asked me to watch the farm while he went with Gulf for their three years and three month old baby girl. We agreed.

I showed him our make shift rooms for the children alone in one room where all of the twins sleep. How Mew slept in with Saint in our parents room and me and Nunew shared his. As dad use to sleep a lot at the hospital. Until he was given the news that he wouldn't make and was told to spend what left of his time home. Then Nunew and the other two moved down stairs.

He laughed and smiled the house was now less cluttered as everyone who wasn't going to live here anymore was taking their stuff. I showed him our secret den and helped others farm better. Soon courses were taking place again and I realised that some people do struggle with children. I knew best how to deal with fussy children. So, I got a degree in that online and was going to start my own business to help out in the pack. Fort couldn't stop trying to have me and he did leaving me pregnant again. Luckily Fort had a big enough house. He brought it recently.

We just had to wait for my brother to return home.

Mew's pov:
When your pregnant and you're called for war. Unless you're about to pop your not exempt. So, Gulf gave birth to our daughter on the battlefield. They took all his details and his secret key word so that he can get her back after the war. It was located just outside of the main town. When we arrived there were children running all around.

We had brought with us Zee and Nunew. He walked up to the registra. He told us most of the children had been collected. They are just using this as a daycare because the children have all made friends. He gave the person all the information and he said he would be right back.

All of the other parents have arrived and they bowed to alpha and the children were bullying the unpicked children. The person came out and called out Summer.  The girl who they had just been tormented walked over and the lady said meet your parents. They were late because he works for the Alpha and had to finish his shift. She hugged her parents tight me and Gulf. I picked her up and was scenting her.

The children still tried to make her feel bad by saying that they cared more for the Alpha. I was getting angry and about to say something. Not knowing she was watching my reaction as well as Gulfs. When Zee roared and even the kids bowed down knowing that he deserved respect. Their wolves told them he was their Alpha.

He said "they did it to help their family in the long run. It was so he could move down to live with Mew to raise their child together. Also, this is my mate. Your luna. His family you should treat with respect. This child is his niece. Do you want to be punished".

They all looked down and I said " it doesn't matter when we came for her because we did. Niether of us knew if we would survive. I didn't even know he had given birth or where the baby was. And my baby Gulf would have done anything for his baby. She has her cousins she can be raised with".

She gave a confused look, maybe their parents wanted them more. But I told her to face me and told her that the Alpha didn't want his Luna to fight and they didn't know he was pregnant. Then that our older brother gave birth a month before war started. So had to raise them while his husband went to war. Then my youngest brother Peat had the red moon on his sixteen and half day. So he learnt his mate early and was in heat, so tried to get rid of it and ended up pregnant with his twins. Since he hadn't trained he couldn't fight as he was too young and hadn't trained. But he had his husband fighting. Since he was the only one out of his siblings who doesn't carry the child.

She understood. I know that she is three years and ten months old. She was so happy and I cuddled her and brought Gulf into it. We went back to the alpha's and she met Zon. She believed that he didn't like her at first until he brought her a flower. She realised he had a cold nature. He invited her to play with his toys and after we had dinner. We stayed the night and were going back tomorrow.

There were plenty of rooms in the house but I didn't want her to leave our side. So, all three of us slept together in one room. That night Gulf had set up the ending to his career and decided to teach basic fighting skills to young wolves to stop them from being murdered in the farming areas. Zee thought it was a good idea and he made sure to put only call for my help if its really needed. I was so happy, that I got Gulf pregnant again with our daughter there. At first he was unsure but then when we didn't wake her we finished in the bathroom. The next morning Zee made some sneaky comments and Nunew choked on his cereal. Zon gave a what the look. He remembered and apologised to Zon and told him some people do it because they love each other. But when they talking about someone they don't know its bad. 

That night me Gulf and Summer had left to go home. We arrived in the evening to many of the others telling us they were pregnant. Saint, Nunew and Peat. I was protective of the younger ones. But then I remember two things, one they are mates and love each other and two one of them is my alpha who will tear me apart if I tried to take his Luna away from him. Gulf seemed to smell my protectiveness and added himself that he was pregnant and the chat broke. We would all be expecting the babies at the same time and again could raise them as best friends. We all smiled and laughed. How did we all keep getting pregnant together? They decided to come home one month every year for the children to be close. Even if its without their mates. We laughed and decided to set it for August every year. This is because then they could come when there was no school in years to come. It was agreed by all, but after the war mates didn't want to leave each other. 

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