Chapter 6! 18+

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It was ten o'clock in the night. I am now settled living with my mate. I told him I don't want to sleep apart anymore. So, I moved into his room and since we have so many rooms we are going to turn it into a gym. That way I will have a reason to go in there. Zee had been helping me unpack my stuff. He had given me my own walk in Wardrobe and we shared a bathroom. With two toilets and two sinks, a bath, a shower.

Zee had his shower first and I took a bath. He had fallen asleep but then again. When the younger pups of my dad's friend asked him to play he agreed. People before were wishing me luck with him. Thinking he was cold and bad tempered. But for them to see him playing with the children with care they melted.  They told me I was so lucky and that they were sorry for judging.

I had no idea how to surprise him before so, now that I knew he was asleep it would be easier. I slowly went to the wardrobe making sure not to make any noises that would wake the sleeping Alpha. I grabbed my special box and picked out a maid costume. It was super kinky. Apo had secretly brought it for me. He gave it to me while Mile and Zee were playing with the babies.

I gently closed the box and took back and put it into the wardrobe.

I crept towards the bed. I lifted the covers and slipped in. I swiftly opened his jeans and pulled down his pants. I could tell that he was already horny from seeing my outfit all day. He had already called my name out in his sleep, close to moaning.

So, I lifted his cock up and he was so big. I twisted my hand around his base. He moaned and was enjoying it. He was already bucking his hips. Then I took the tip of his dick into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it, he moaned harder this time. It came from the bottom of his throat. I kept taking in his cock little by little, till I had fully taken him in. He bucked his hips up hard. Luckily I don't have a gag reflex.

I started fondling his balls and then he couldn't stop moaning and groaning. Then light appeared, he was awake and lifting the covers. I stared him right in the eye. He looked nervous and told me to stop. I could tell the only reason why he wanted me to stop was because he was worried I wasn't ready. So, I didn't and he came minutes later. He was breathing very fast when I popped off of his cock after milking him.

His eyes were red as he pulled me up to kiss me. He could taste himself, during the kiss. It seemed like he had regained control. He looked confused. Before he could talk I did "I'm ready I promise. Thanks to you and my therapist what happened has no affect on me anymore. I love you and I want our first time to be because we love each other not because you have to help me through heat. Oh and my heat starts tomorrow. I can feel it coming. I want to use this as a way for us to become closer and I'm ready to be yours. I promise I'm ready".

He flipped me over and he was on top. He ripped off the costume and I saw his red eyes. His wolf was taking control. He was trying to stop it he wanted to be gentle. But I told him go as hard as you want I'm ready.

The wolf lost control but still prepped me, he added his first finger and thrusted in and out. He went super fast and I was moaning mess. Then he added to more fingers. I was moaning harder than I ever had before. He elevated my but before finally pushing the tip of the dick in. He didn't go slow. He had lost control. He pushed in super fast and was thrusting in as hard as he can. I came and he hadn't slowed down I was enjoying it.

He got faster and we were both about to come, so he was about to give the bite. When my phone went off. We still came but he didn't get to bite me. He got out of me and got my phone and passed it to me. I smiled at him and made him feel better before answering. It was Perth.

"Yes Perth didn't I tell you not to call me , unless it's important. I was busy"

Perth stopped me from talking and spoke in a scared voice. He was super worried and nervous. He Said "Nunew we need you at the hospital. Saint went into give birth and gave birth to healthy twins. One girl and one boy. But he lost a lot of blood he needs someone who I family with the same blood type to give blood. You and your dad are the only ones with this blood. Your dad won't make it in time, your the closest. Please help, I can't lose him".

I passed the phone to Zee who had got ready suspecting something had happened and got ready. Zee told him that we will be on our way very soon. I put a pair of sweats on.

We got in the car and raced to the hospital. No one would tell the Alpha not to go too fast. As soon as, we arrived we were met with crying Perth as Zee had shared our location with him.

The nurses guided me to a room. Zee stood beside me, while Perth went to check on Saint. I gave three gallons of blood and they thanked me. They went to save Saint. I felt very tired, I wanted to sleep after the day I've had. But my mind wouldn't let me, as I was worried for Saint.

Zee got a nurse to get me some sugar. He gave them some money. Then they also, gave me a drip. They said they had to find one. The candy Zee paid for arrived and he made me eat it all. I was starting to feel less sleepy. Three hours later I was in pain and Perth came in saying Saint was safe.

I was in heat. As soon as both Zee and Perth noticed they devised it would be best for me to go home. I cuddled into Zee in pain. I knew I wouldn't mate until I knew Saint was awake.

It was now three o'clock in the afternoon and I wanted a release but no word about Saint. Zee kept checking in but he was worried that if he stayed he wouldn't be able to control himself.

All of sudden Zee's phone went he answered it and brought it to me. He stroked my head and put the phone on loud speaker. It was Saint. He had woken up ten minutes ago and has got the all clear. He straight away asked how I was. He was worried about me being in heat and had blood being taken. So, I told him Zee will help me with my heat. I just wouldn't be able to do it without knowing your okay. I love you brother. He told me he loved me too. Perth told me to get well soon.

They said they will tell the others what happened later when their sure its over.

We ended the call and I pulled Zee on me and begged. He agreed but he was very gentle. I came a couple times and felt better. I knew it wad going to be the same for the next week. Zee said he wouldn't bite me yet because I still hadn't recovered. That's why I loved him, he would do anything to protect me and I would do the same. I fell asleep in his arms and phone kept going off in the evening. Zee turned it off and messaged my family telling them. I am recovering from being inheat and from have blood taken. So, to stop messaging until tomorrow. I snuggled in closer.

He spoon fed me dinner half an hour later. I love him so much. Where was he before.

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