Chapter 14!

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Nunew's pov:

It was great to know that everyone else was pregnant. Now to break the news to Zee and I know he has been too busy to check his phone.

I entered the office and was about to call to him sweetly. When he shouted at me "Whoever it is needs to leave I told you I need a goddamn break. As I have to pick some of the wolves to keep from the other pack". I was pissed and he finally calmed down. He finally smelled the smell and the smell of anger. He straight away got up and ran to me begging for forgiveness. I realised I was warned by his secretary and my dad before I died told me to find out what happened before I judge on what I know. I ask him what the hell happened and he said that two new members of the team have been flirting with him all day and bringing simple tasks for his help. Just to flirt or try to touch him. He had told them off multiple times and they still didn't stop. I kiss his head and the door opens. Revealing two young women who I had never met before in my life. They were both arguing to stay away from their mate and that they were the Luna. I cleared my throat and they all looked at me. I replied "I am the luna and have been since I was eighteen when we met. We have a three year old son and pups on the way. Want to flirt with my man anymore". Before even finishing my sentence I felt two smacks across the face and heard a growl. The girls stepped back frightened and said that I was lying and that they were his mates.

He growled again and said, I'm his mate. His wolf had taken full control and he tore them apart. I looked away, starting to feel queasy. The secretary walked in and was shocked by the scene. Zee had recovered himself and said find two new team members who can do their jobs properly and clean up the mess. He went straight to me, to see if I was alright. I said I was fine. Zee's mind flashed back to an earlier sentence. He shouted pups.

I smiled for the first time since I witnessed the scene. He put his head on my stomach and was listening for heartbeats. I told him it was too early and that the doctor thinks it's multiple. He picked me up before kissing me. Then I broke the news to him that me and my brothers are all pregnant at the same time. We are going to be raising them all together. It made him smile and he pulled me onto him and sat down. Putting me on his lap. Then I smelled something that explained the anger that burst that hard. He was in heat. So, I rocked my hips against his member and I did this until he came four times. He felt much better and held me tightly into him. That night we waited for Zon to get home from Daycare to tell him. He looked upset and we asked what's wrong and he said some of the kids bullied him for being an only child. I got down and we said we have news. He looked at us like what and Zee told him. He ran around the room, stopping to hug us and thank us. 

I also, could tell by Zee's face that he was making a visit to Zon's daycare to sort it out. He saw even the parents making fun of him. So, he growled and gave a threatening look. They all took a step back and bowed. I patted Zon on the head as Zee told them how could they treat their future alpha this way. It is none of your business if he is an only child. The war meant that he grew up without me and now you make fun of him for not having siblings close to his age. His siblings are in my Luna's stomach. So, just you wait to meet them. With that we signed out Zon and went and had some fun. We had a Ice cream together and brought toys for his new siblings. 

Zon was so excited and he asked to talk to his cousins on the phone. I asked the others and we thought it would be a great idea for the kids to find out that we are all pregnant. The call started and they went all at once. Until Zee said one at a time. Zon looked so happy he said like him his siblings with have cousins close to their age to play with. Then he said I can't wait to meet my new cousins. I explained that we wouldn't know what sex these babies will be. We have to wait to find out and since there might be two babies. We can't be sure yet. Then there's a chance of having one of each. Zon cheered and said I'm still get a sibling. It made me so happy. Zon is so mature for his age.

He came over to my stomach and said hello baba or bubas I can't wait to meet you. I couldn't help but smile and niether could Zee. He kissed his son on his head. Then he picked him up and we went home for dinner.

Zee wouldn't let me cook. I knew that was what was happening with the others. He cooked the meal and made sure it well cooked to stop food poisoning. That night he made bed softer and made sure I couldnt roll off from having a nightmare. He made sure that I was comfortable and got me some water for if I got thirsty.

I kissed him told him I'm okay. The further I got into my pregnancy the more protective he became. I slowly adjusted to it. But one day a brother of one of the girls who were killed because she dared to pretend the Alpha was her mate and caused trouble. Well he wanted revenge for her and so came to attack and kill me. Luckily he was thwarted by Zee who smelled him as soon as he entered the property. When he tried to inject Zee. Zon transformed and broke his wrist to stop him injecting. The syringe fell to the ground and I grabbed and threw it to an officer.  Who injected the man withit. He started convulsing and died seconds later.

The officer said the posion is really hard to get. It kills high up Werewolves and it was rare to get it. There is no way to make more as the plant is extinct.

Zee thanked his son. I had calmed him down and he hugged his father worrying whether he is okay. It was a month before my due date and all of sudden I felt a strong need to stop pee. But I couldn't and I found out it was my waters. I said Zee. He didn't hear at first, so I repeated and said it louder. He looked up and faced me.

Zon was confused and asked what daddy did wrong. I said nothing and I pointed to the wet ground. At first they were both confused. But moments later Zee understood. That my waters had burst. He let go of Zon and rushed to me. He asked how painful I said a four but it's getting stronger. I called my brother Peat. He asked what up I said I need you to pick up Zon from the Hospital.

He asked why and I said I'm just had my waters break. As soon as, he heard that he shouted what. He spoke to Pai and they both raced to the hospital. They beat our ambulance there. They took Zon as I was Wheeled away.

Peat told Zon, you will be a big brother soon. Zon stopped looking scared and became very happy.

We arrived to the delivery room and I gave Zee the letter. I said in case something happens because this was brought on by stress. This has every thing I wanted to tell you.

He didn't like the idea but took it and reassured me.

Four hours later, we had welcomed a baby girl and then a baby boy. He read the note and he loved some of the words. It helped because I was so sleepy and fell into a deep sleep. So, when they came around for the names. They asked what about what I want. He said I choose them. They were put onto their birth certificate.

We named the older one, the girl Zea and the boy as Zeu. Zee never left my side and kept me happy. I was made to stay for three days and told to take it easy. We went home to everyone there because of worry. I said I promised Zon he would meet them first. Everyone stepped back. Zon stepped forward and said I am nervous they won't love me. I told him of course they will.

I took the covers off and said your sister and brother will love you and copy you. He smiled and I let Zee tell everyone the names. Everyone looked at him and he said their names are Zea and Zeu. Everyone cheered and Zon loved it.

Zon said something that surprised us. He said "if you have another and its a girl can you call it Zie and if its a boy name it Zin. You don't have to. I just thought they would be good". I snuggled him and kissed him and said of course we would they are wonderful.

I knew he was going to be a good big brother. He watched over his siblings and was very protective. He learnt how to change nappies and how to feed babies their bottles. I told him he didn't have to. But he wanted to. So I allowed him.

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