Chapter 9! 18+

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Not my account on YouTube. But they always have the best pictures of the couples. That's all I wanted to say.

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Peat's pov:
The moon had started to colour and I knew my brother not only wouldn't be able to return because he would either be too tired or still doing it. I'm so happy for him. The rest of us were out in the garden having some fun. When the moon had gone fully red and was at its highest, everyone stopped celebrating and looked at us.

A few seconds later both me and Noel could smell them. Noel's was called Boss and Noel kissed him. Boss enjoyed it but stopped him and said your only sixteen I can wait.

My mate was trying to leave. But I stopped him and tried to talk to him. But he ignored and walked away. Doesn't he like me.

Boss told me he loves me already, but he is protecting me from his possessiveness. So that he doesn't stop me from being able to learn about farming. But to be honest I just said that because I wanted to be best friends forever with Noel. When he realised he told me to reach for my dreams as, it won't change our friendship. So, I'll be applying to become higher up.

I was so mad that he didn't let me decide what I want and had just walked away. I had no idea where he went.

So, I took off my necklace, hoping my heat will attract him. Nothing. My dad said he is probably out of range. He told me to go find him as he didn't want me to suffer. Mew decided to move back with his parents to help them with work after spending time with Gulf. He called him up earlier and told him. They fought and he decided to talk to him when he is back up there.

So, I left to go find him. My family was clearing up and then went inside. They were going to sleep. I arrived at a clearing and I heard a growl. It was a wolf from another pack. Some of them attack. They hope that if they can weaken our farming then they can weaken us to take over. Not only could he smell my heat. He wanted to rape me and kill me. But then I hear another roar. A dark brown wolf comes out of nowhere and starts tearing apart the white wolf. It had killed the enemy wolf and my wolf was crying out mate.

My mate looked mad. Since he could smell my heat before he thinks that I'm attracted to this guy. So, I got the necklace out of my pocket and throw it onto the ground. He sniffs it. Realising it hides scents and realises I've been hiding my heat as new wolves were entering my house and that I have been in pain for days.

He transformed back into his human form after making sure there was no more enemy wolves around. He asked me if I was alright and I smacked him. I then said "Fort there is one thing I have been waiting for and that's my mate. What right do you have to decide when I'm ready for one. Oh and if you paid me enough attention. You would have found out today, that I didn't want to go into Farming, I just wanted to be near my friend. But he told me to what I want as its my life. So, I will be going to the same Uni as my brother Nunew went to. I feel pain knowing that you think you can choose when to be by my side and not want anything to do with me. You either, stop pushing me away. Or I will reject you and I mean it".

As soon as, I had finished saying it, I turned to leave. But I pulled to face him. I managed to see his eyes yellow as, he pulled me into him and snogged me. He only stopped, so that we could breathe. He put his mouth to my eat and whispered do you need my help. He said carrying me to his car. I nodded feeling ashamed. He undid my pants and started to stretch me out while jerking me off. Then finally he entered me and was still jerking me off. I was so close and I could feel he was too. So I brought his head to mu neck. He didn't want to at first but his wolf took control and he bit my neck. It was so good we both came. I was blissed out. He layed me down and cleaned us up with tissue. And the car. Luckily the alpha would be in another car home tomorrow. He brought a cover from the boot and covered us up with it. I snuggled him tight and his wolf and him were very happy. The next morning I woke up in me bed. I was so confused.

I went out of the room and spotted, Saint and Nunew looking down. I asked them what's wrong and how did I get back. Saint left just thinking about it. Grandma went to go cheer him up and the parents were looking after the twins. Mew was looking at the fire upset and thinking he was stupid it was written all over his face.

Nunew spoke he told me how on their way back to here. That they ran into me and Fort. Okay I said. Fort told us about the attack last night when one of alpha's men, recieved word that the Alpha of that pack was now starting a war with ours. Fort and Zee dropped us off here and told us to stay here until the wars over. Zee didn't want his Luna fighting so, he told him to stay and mum wad saying goodbye before going to help with the fighting and food for them to eat. Mew is being made to stay too. Saint has to go fight and so does Gulf.

They were all missing their mates. Soon months had passes and still no word for the war, telling us what was happening, from what we could tell all our mates were still alive and fighting strong. The twins were now four months old. I could see the girl looked like Perth and the boy looked like Saint.

Saint stopped being so depressed and became a better children to his twins realising that's what Perth would have wanted.

Me and Nunew started to get sick last month and our bellies got bigger. Mine was bigger than Nunew. That's how we found out we were both pregnant. We thought it was a great idea to raise our children together. Saints would be probably a year old. But I was happy. But I missed Fort. Funny enough I barely knew him. But I missed him as if I have known him for my whole life and my life before that.

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