Chapter 5!

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I was woken by people shouting happy birthday. I opened my eyes and there were my parents holding a cake. With my brothers all around. Peat smiled at me and Mew was doing his special celebratory dance that his plan worked and Saint was holding out money and a card. Perth was yawning and gave me an apology look for being woken up this way.

I gave him a look telling him they always do it. The money was for me to go out with someone and go by a special outfit for my party. It was Saint's turn to take me to today. So, we went. I cuddled him and we left. He brought me a special pancake breakfast. I looked at my brother who was keep chatting on his phone. Then we went looking in shops. I found the perfect outfit it made me look hot and sexy. I was ready to mate with my mate. As my course is finished and I can fight with others. I have no more school.

This is the outfit:

It had been quite a few hours and now it was ten o'clock

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It had been quite a few hours and now it was ten o'clock. I knew it was a surprise party. But I had no idea what I was in store for. We had arrived home and was pulling up in the driveway. I could see Zee's men putting all my stuff in a van why. My brother smiled happily. He let me get the door. As soon as, I got in and turned on the lights everyone yelled surprise. My dad came up to me with a present it was jewelry and he told me that since I found my mate that I will be moving in with them. Zee look told me that he already knew and that he was overjoyed.

My dad carried on about how I should still visit. I smiled and hugged my dad and promised that I would. He kissed me on the head and my mum came up to me and gave me my favourite art supplies. I hugged her tight and she cradled my head and told me I was so big now and that she was happy I was in a healthy relationship again.

Saint came next with a new watch and Perth had brought me a better easiel. Then there was Mew and he gave me some special weapons to train with. Peat my younger brother gave me my favourite sweet as he has just started working, so he hasn't been paid that much. I hugged them all so tight.

Then my mate came over and before he could show me my gift. I flung myself on him. He cuddled me so tight. I didn't care about presents I just wanted to make memory's. He pulled away and handed me a present. It was special camera I wanted to record memory's I hugged him tight. Then Apo and Mile surprised me with a printer to print pictures off. They hugged me and I thanked them.

My mate stayed by my side all morning and we socialised with everyone. He wanted to know how I knew everyone. Most of them were my dad's friends and their kidd who we have known for years. At lunch time food wad served and Gulf had finally arrived. I had handed in my thesis early but he had to hand it in this morning.

I saw Mew react. So, I pulled Zee sleave and said "My best friend is my brothers mate". I saw Gulf do the same he was shy so he walked over to me. He wished me happy birthday and gave me a gift of friendship album full of our pictures.

I could tell my brother Mew was asking Saint who he was and was shocked when he found out who. Because he last saw him when he was fourteen. I decided to wind up my brother so I said to my friend "So your my brothers mate. Be aware he snores". I heard a growl come from my brother and then one from Zee. Telling my brother to watch himself. He bowed and glared. My friend smiled and went and got some food.

I walked over to Mew and told him that Gulf knew I was joking I told him to go ask him out. Mew agreed and it took me pushing to get him to do so. Gulf who has had a crush on my brother since he's twelve, straight away kissed him.

Leaving every one shocked. Then we heard from our younger brother "that's not fair why am I always the last one to get anything. I have to wait one and a bit years. We all laughed. Mew kissed Gulf and stopped after a little while. Gulf invited him to go over his tonight and my brother was so happy.

I hugged my mare and he kissed my nose. He told me that he can't wait to grow old with me. I smile and kiss him. He was surprised because I have only just been comfortable to kiss him infront of his brother. He smiled and picked me up. Laying my head in his neck. God I love his smell. I know defiantly tonight is the night.

I spoke quietly to my man and told him that next year, he can bring some more of his friends so, that he doesn't feel alone. He hugged me tight and the butterflies wouldn't stop. He makes me go crazy. Just you wait Zee you'll be the one going crazy tonight. I will surprise you.

And like that he caught me smelling sneaky and tiggled me, while scent marking.

Seriously does he want me to melt right into his arms. How did I end up becoming his mate, the luna of the pack and friends with another Alpha. How did my best friend end up being my brothers mate. How did I end up with any of this luck that I have been given the past few months. I can't imagine my life without him.

I believe he deserves a reward. I can feel that I'll be in heat tomorrow. But I don't want our first time to be to make me feel better. I want it to be special. Me and my Alpha.

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