Chapter 4!

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Nunew's pov:
I was led down for dinner after I had changed. They led me to sit down next the Alpha on the small dinning room table. I always thought it would be bigger for their dinner parties. Or they have another table for that. They brought out the food. It all looked expensive and I wasn't sure I could eat any of it. It was like he could smell my concern as he clasped my hand and said "nothing is to good for my mate". He fed me food and that seemed to make him smile and that in return made me smile. But then i stopped when I remembered what came after that before. He rubbed my back and said I never want to hurt you. I still couldn't believe it.

I asked if I could go out for a walk in the grounds and he said sure, just stay where the guards can see you, as I don't want to lose you. I nodded feeling so warm in my heart. I was just walking around the ground. When I smelled two smells I smelt earlier. All of a sudden the guard that was watching me was taken down and the other smell got closer. It was Thorn.

I started walking back and he kept getting closer. He opened his mouth and said "I'll pay for pressing charges on him and that no one will love me once he's done. The Alpha won't even want his mate".

All of a sudden I heard running as he was about to strike me with his claws. I heard two screams and when I opened my eyes I saw Thorn was being mauled by a big black wolf. My wolf kept crying happily mate mate. Alpha Zee had transformed and saved me. I look up at the roof and saw I'm guessing the guy who got rid of the guard being also, mauled by a similar black wolf. But I knew the one on the ground was my mate. I watched as the wolf threw the body down to the floor. It was gruesome looking. He turned back to human and I could tell that is was Zee's brother Mile.

Zee hadn't turned back. He seemed still super angry. So, I rushed to him and put his nose in my neck. It took him fifthteen minutes before he could calm down. His breathing was slowing down from being heavy and he was changing back into his human form. His men were getting rid of the bodies. I heard from the whisperings that they were stupid for escaping prison and the first they attack is someone close to the Alpha.

Zee seemed back to normal so I said "Alpha are you okay. You looked so angry". He growled and I was so confused maybe he isn't any different. It was a small growl as if I said something wrong. He then spoke "I don't want to be your Alpha. I want to be your Zee. Your my luna and I love everything about you. So, please next time fight a little and call for help. I can't lose you my mate".

We both heard a chuckle. He grumbled as I not to make fun of him. He was so cute it made me smile. Not leaving my neck. Another, man approached. It was Apo. He looked confused at the burning bodies quite far away and a body being gently carried and payed respect to. Also, confused at Zee on floor with his nose in my neck. Apo recognised me. That upset Zee, he couldn't understand how we know each other. So, Apo told him how we knew each other.

He said "when I was being attacked when I went on holiday sixteen, Nunew helped me escape them and stay hidden before his father helped me to get to the old Alpha and help me get back to my dad. I'm so thankful. I'm so glad that we can be close friends as your mate is my mates brother. Any we'll leave you be".

They both left and Zee tilted my face down and kissed me. At first I wanted to push him away. But soon liked. At first he was going to end the kiss because of how I was feeling. So, I grabbed his head and gave him the all clear. It was getting late and dark. So, he picked me up and walked inside. He walked to the room I was in earlier and placed me on the bed before joining me. I was a tiny but scared he was going to do something. But he just cuddled and snuggled me. He fell asleep. So I secretly thanked him for everything and kissed his head. I knew he was close to sleep but fully woke up when he heard that and snuggled I closer I told him to loosen up and then he realised he was hugging too tight I couldn't breathe.

A little while late we both fell asleep.

By now I had fallen irrevocably inlove with Zee

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By now I had fallen irrevocably inlove with Zee. He was so kind. The week was nearly over and he got a call asking if I could stay longer because my brother still need to help out back home. So, Zee agreed. My brother returned to his home last night and their are two days until my birthday. My brother has been invited to Apo's party which will be here tomorrow. Then we will be going home in the afternoon. I sighed and it caught my mates attention.

Just some information about Zee he doesn't like to talk that much. He looks like a cold person but he picks who is showing his vulnerable side to. He shows it to me. He's super protective and possessive. He likes to he intimate to those who he is super duper close to. His brother, Apo, Perth and me. He doesn't like to sleep alone now that he has me. He always sneaks into my room if he's been working late to snuggle and now I wake up when I smell him open my arms welcoming him. It feels like I don't want to part and I can see its hurting him too.

After my sigh he tries to calm me down by saying we will be still see each other. It's just we won't be living together. I could tell by his voice he was as affected as me. That night we slept super close and didn't want to let go. We kissed a lot and lot. He smiled at me and told me I was special.

He is the best, he joined my therapy sessions to see if there was any way he could help. He got angry every time we spoke about the abuse I suffered. At first I thought he would leave me. But I realised he was angry at that guy for touching me. He kept coming and cheering me on. He started talking more and keeps telling me how special I am. At the beginning it was like he was smothering me with his love but then I got used to it and now I'm in a healthy relationship that I never want to leave.

He kissed me all over my face the next morning and we had a birthday breakfast with Apo and Mile. I got to know more about them. Stuff like Mile is colder and the only person he talks a lot to is Apo. He only talks a fair bit with his brother and only a little bit with me. They are both super nice. They both know about the abuse I have faced and Apo has become like my second best friend. The brothers tend not to show their love that openly in public or areas to a lot of people meaning their clinglyness is left for private. They will say I love you and give you compliments. Hold our hands and hugg and a small kiss but thats it.

I invited them all to my birthday party. The next day.

One of his people told Zee he had a phone call. He got up and took the phone. He spoke through it and he turned around, so that I couldn't read his lips. He has never done that before. He was too far away for me to be able to hear the conversation.

His brother asked if I was jealous before assuring me that Zee would never hurt me and that maybe he just wants to keep the birthday mood going. So is letting it go private, so to not ruin the day.

I smiled and thanked him. He cuddled Apo and Apo kissed him. I was so busy focusing on them that I hadn't notice Zee return and cuddle me. His mood had turned better. I was so confused. Maybe he recieved good news about the harvest. We partied all afternoon after my brother Saint and Perth arrived.

I was so sad when it came time to leave. Zee clung to me and me to him. He finally decided to let me go and tell me that he will see me tomorrow. We left and when I got home I was so tired that I went to bed. I didn't notice the other smells.

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