3: Always...

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I am truly and wholeheartedly sorry for what you about to read. also not proof read. Anyway as always.
Fucked up themes (in this chapter)
Torture (not in a kinky way you hoes)
Blood and gore
unconsensual touching
Don't read this chapter if you feel uncomfortable


How long had it been?
(Y/n) didn't know, she'd been sat in this room for felt like hours. Days almost. Bloodied and beaten to a pulp she could barely see though her swollen and black eyes. Crimson stains on her clothes, ripped and shredded and the taste of metallic liquid on her tongue. She hoped she would have bled out before the men who took her came back in for round number 6. 7? She'd lost count at this point. She groaned her head hung and arms and legs tied behind her on a metal chair. There was no way out she could clearly see. The human body can survive a week without food, 3 days without water, it had only been hours? She really didn't know. The time started to blur together with the punishment she was getting, she would blackout from the pain, distance her self from it when she could, she kept her mouth shut for the most part. What Price said eplayed in her head when she was hostage training.
"do everything you can to protect yourself, it's better for them to think you know something and won't tell them, than tell them you don't know anything and get killed anyway."

She couldn't break out of her confines with the way they where holding her. They kept asking her "where are they taking the cargo"
"Where are they hiding the drugs"
She couldn't understand why they where asking her, she was in a task force for tracking and takedown not for Narco's. They wouldn't be taken to home base that's for sure.
God she needed to get out of her head she was thinking about too much she needed to distance herself, she needed to go to her Limbo, she closed her eyes and let go.
A flash of bright light then darkness followed the thumping of metal she knew was her heartbeat slow and steady. The sparks of the loose wires lighting her sight just for a few seconds before going black again. This was it she was in her Bardo.
It was calm, peaceful although creepy she didn't much mind the ambience of the place. A train horn could be heard in the distance. Loud and clear. She spun to where she heard it coming from.
A doorway?
The light shone though it like a torch, a outline of a body could be seen as she shielded her eyes from the light the figure stepped closer but as she was just about to make out the face she was sucked back to the small, cold room she was kept in.
"Ah our Guest is back from dream land and hopefully willing to talk" the man stalked closer to her. She grunted and spat at the man. "Oh you've hurt my feelings" he laughed.

"I can withstand everything you trough at me, I'll never tell you" she shouted. "they'll be looking for me"

"Oh" he cocked his head. "The great 141 squad, they'll be looking for you, baby girl it's been two days if they haven't found you buy now, they'll never find you" he smirked and pushed the barrel of his gun against her head. "Where's the cargo?!" He screamed.

"No" she sneered And the man pulled the gun back and hit the side of her face with it "augh!" she winced as it collided with her temple making her vision go blurry.

"are you insane giving her brain damage isn't going to make her talk" a man said walking to the room with two other men by his side with balaclavas large guns, they looked like M7B2's.

"boss." He turned to see the man talking "I don't see why we picked this bitch instead of one of the men?" the other man said back to him.

"by all means please try and take down the military trained armed forces men." 'boss' sneered back.

"what the fuck do you think I am?" Limbo coughed up phlegm in her mouth speaking.

"well you're a one of them of course but a girl non the less, they break easier, tell information quicker. There are many ways of getting information out of girls." 'boss' walked behind Limbo moving her slick and dried bloodied hair away from her neck, Running his finger along the vein.

Limbo // Simon "Ghost" Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now