11: Home

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Y/n and Simon where in the east wing of the medical bunker the recovery section of the small makeshift hospital. Ghost hated hospitals, they always where pure white despite how much blood and mud was tracked through their doors every day, smelled like disinfectant and alcohol. Y/n stood up and walked towards Ghost who had his eyes closed and slumped over despite the bullet wound in his side. "You're a Dick, you know that right" Y/n said standing at the end of Ghosts medical bed.

"The fuck did I do?" Ghost asked straight if up and shuffled his shoulders to get comfortable.

"You took a bullet for me! Which I appreciate that you didn't have to do I just felt like I had to say it." She huffed.

"Of course, I didn't have to do it, I know that. But you froze, the fuck was a supposed to do" he slightly raised his voice.

"Not be a fucking hero" Y/n yelled back at him. "I'd also like to know why the hell the others did freak out to you bleeding out!"

"I've been in worse shape than a scratch to my side." Ghost said.

"You call it a scratch to the doctor who just spent 2 hours fishing a bullet out of your kidney" Y/n pointed to the door.

"I'm good Dr Ross is an alright guy he gets my humour" Ghost smirked though the balaclava.

"Very little" Y/n huffed in a strop.

"Stop being a toddler I'm alive aren't I." ghost sat up "Grow up" he said it harshly making her flinch slightly at his tone.

"Grow up. Grow up" Y/n let out a sarcastic and sinister laugh "the six-foot three-man baby is telling me to grow up, as if I wasn't keeping you from bleeding out in my hands with you telling me to 'keep you awake'. FUCK YOU" she pointed to him and sat back down in the guest chair in the corner.

"You aren't gonna leave?" He quipped.

"You stayed by my side I'll stay by you" she huffed crossing her arms.

"Aw keep that up and I'll start to think you like me Lim" ghost smirked.

"Shut up" she barked back. "Price is calling meeting soon you good to stand?"

"of course," he sighed "this has been some shitty deployment".


"I'm sending you home." Price stood with is arms crossed facing the 141. The shocked faces of the squad where as clear as snow on a winter's morning.

"You can't be serious" Soap scoffed looking over to the team who had the same expression on their faces.

"Price if this is because of me, I'll discharge myself I won't let the whole team go down because of me" Y/n spoke a slight sadness in her voice she looked around to see everyone's reaction. She thought she might have seen some confusion, sadness or even a hint of regret but all she saw where agreeing faces. "I see." She felt betrayed.

"Stop before this becomes something more than it is." Price huffed "God for an elite group of soldiers you lot are as dumb as rocks. I'm sending you home because the mission is paused."

"What?" Y/n asked, 'how is that even possible a mission can't be just paused'.

"Alejandro collected all the data he could from our last op, he got what he needed but its going to take a few weeks maybe a month to decipher" Price cleared any confusion up. "Right now, at this moment there is no reason to keep you at base, so I'm sending you all home, rest up and relax, you'll be back before you know it."


"Can you believe this?" Soap said sitting down with the group at the last meal they would share on this base together for a while. "We're going home, can't wait to see my mam" he smiled happily.

"yeah" Y/n sat poking at her food. "I hope my apartment hasn't collected to much dust" She laughed half-heartedly trying to lighten her mood about returning to an empty house. Everyone was chatting happily about going home, talking about how they would see their family and their friends. Ghost sat watching Y/n in silence he knew she didn't have anything to return home to, neither did he really. He would fall back into his old routine of wake up, train at the gym, watch tv, maybe read the occasional book and sleep, it was pathetic really his life, his life was the military, he didn't know what his life would be with out it. He had returned before but only for a couple of days, but this time would be different. He would be home for weeks with nothing to do and Y/n was the same.


Their bags where packed ready for loading on to different planes out of New Mexico, goodbye hugs and handshakes were exchanged as the men left to catch their planes. This wasn't supposed to be a sad event, yet Y/n couldn't push down the nauseous feeling of dread on returning home, everything she'd been through how she could just return to her normal mundane life before she was deployed. "So, I guess I'll see you on the other side" Simon said getting her to turn and face him being the only two left to catch the London plane.

"I guess so." She smiled weakly. "I'll admit I'm going to miss you guys".

"Yeah, you'll get used to it. I sure won't miss Johnny's obnoxious jokes." He smiled slightly.

"I think that's what I'll miss the most." She said looking at Simons smile. He thought she meant Johnny's stupid jokes, but her eyes where on his slight smile showing through the black medical mask he was wearing, that matched her own mask, and black cap to cover his hair.

"So, you live close to the London base?" Simon asked out of the blue.

"About a 45-minute drive, why do you ask?" She spoke.

"I hate to admit this, but I don't have anywhere to go, I was going to stay at the London base, but I called, and they said their full of all the new recruits they got this summer." Ghost huffed. "I sold my house before this deployment all my stuffs in storage, and I have no where to go. I hate to ask this and trust me I wouldn't be, but do you think it would be alright if, of course you can say no, but could I stay with you just until I can find a place to rent for a few weeks."

Y/n paused for a moment thinking it over. "no" She spoke, Simon looked at her shocked not expecting that response. "I'm going to let you sleep in the drains with the rats." He realised she was being sarcastic. "of course, you can I can't let my fellow soldier be slumping it on the streets. Plus, I have guest room that's empty you can have."

"I really do appreciate it Lim you have no idea how grateful I am, I'll even pay daylily hotel standard if you need me to." He said his eyes looking her over to see any change in her body language to sense regret or uncomfortableness.

"No need just helps with shopping payments and stuff like that and well call it even." She smiled at him.

"I really owe you one Lim." He smiled back at him.

"You took a bullet for me well call it even, honestly I don't know how you're standing right now" She laughed.

"Painkillers the wonders of modern medicine" he said back cracking a small laugh.

"Yeah" She smiled back at him and before they could fall into an uncomfortable silence a voice came over the intercom calling for their flight and they both walked together at the gate awaiting their 10-hour flight that was probably gong to be hell. 


Hey so I'm sorry for not posting for a while I've been in and out of hospital before and after Christmas because of some medical emergency's my last appointment is soon though fingers crossed I'm all good.

 and been sitting on and rewriting and rewriting this chapter over and over again for a while and its still not to my liking but its better than nothing. also sorry for the OOC ghost but I had no ideas and I wanted there relationship to move quicker but then again its not called a Fan-FICTION for nothing.

hope you all had a wonderful holidays and new year I should be Back with another chapter soon. stay happy and heathy my lovelies <3

~ Pixie

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