5: Safe Sweetheart

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Get ready to kick your legs and giggle like a little school girl, cos this shit is cute.
And if u don't I understand I'm shit at writing soooo...
Slight mention of Simons and        (Y/n) past -
Tommys story.
Drug addiction linked to Death


The following days of (Y/n)'s recovery we're slow, she laid in her hospital bed with nothing to do other than to talk to the 6'4 masked man who didn't leave her bed side. "You okay?" Ghost asked as she sighed heavily.

"Yes Simon I'm okay for the fifth" she said sitting up "see no pain" a Lie.

"Are you sure?" He asked watching her sitting up and patting her thin blanket down.

"Ghost if you ask me again I'll twat you" she sneered.

"I was just making sure" Ghost sighed.

"What did I say?" She said.

"You'll twat me. But if I'm being honest I'll like to see you try, you're basically a cripple" he laughed lightly.

"I may not be able to floor you like I did in our spar but I sure can wack you into tomorrow if you keep bugging me" she got touchy from his consistent questions. Simon stood just looking at her, searching her face for anything, any emotion to stop him from leaving the room in a temper like a three year old. "I don't mean to shout but I'm just tried."

"Then sleep" he huffed.

"No, not tried, tired of being useless. I'm not used to it" she said back closing her eyes. "I train every, I have a schedule I stick too, otherwise I go off the rails. It's hard for me to just sit here and do nothing"

"You wanna go for a walk" he asked and her eyes opened and sparkled. Ghost laughed "walkies"

"Come here" she said to Simon and he stepped closer to her bedside. "Closer" and her leaned in. A sharp crack was heard and a stinging sensation on the back of Simons head was felt slightly cushioned from the balaclava, he was wearing. "I told you, I'll twat you"

"Yeah I kinda deserved that" he laughed and rubbed the back of his head "worth it tho"

"Help me up?" She asked and he held out his arm for her to grip as she swung her legs over the bed and her bare feet hit the floor. She hosted herself up with the help of Simons arm and stood slightly wobbly.

"You wanna use the wheelchair?" He asked still holding on to her slightly crouching due to her hight.

"No I'd like to walk" she was determined to try and do something, anything.

"You'll need shoes" he remarked leading her to the chair and sitting her down.

"I've got some in my pack" she motioned to the rucksack in the corner of the room, Price had dropped it off with a spare change of clothes she was now wearing, a hoodie and some sweatpants. "The trainers"

"Yeah I see" he said kneeling down to reach into the bag pulling out the shoes and walking back over to her. "Here" he handed them to her.

"Thanks" he placed them beside her as she bend down to put one on the wound on her abdomen stung. "Shit!" She yelped and threw the shoe on the floor in frustration.

"Hey what the shoe ever do to you" Ghost said and he looked over where the shoe had landed and back to her. Seeing her eyes slightly watery he was by her side in a second. "Hey. Hey no worries I'll help you. Here" he picked up the other shoe and slid it in her foot.

"Thank Simon" she sniffles "I don't like this" his eyes shot up to hers.

"Don't worry about it" he said picking up the other one on and putting it on her other foot.

Limbo // Simon "Ghost" Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now