4: Ive got you

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Just saying this now, I didn't write everything that happened to Limbo while she was captured because I wanted a little bit of shock when the force finds out, so just be warned for the following chapters. If anything is a TW I'll put so in the beginning of the chapter.
Not proof read


The slow beep of (Y/n) heart monitor kept Ghost out of his own mind, she'd been asleep for 2 days now. She's been through it all. As soon as the team got back to home base a medical team was on stand by to rush Limbo to surgery where they could fish the 10mm bullet out of her gut and hopefully stop the bleeding. Ghost had been sat by her side since she came out of surgery, he watched her there was not a single moment where he took his eyes off her. He blamed himself for her being captured. If she wasn't busy watching him and keeping an eye on him, she would of noticed the man creeping up behind her that day. She looked worse for wear, he scanned over her face, butterfly stitches across her cheek and a black eye but somehow Limbo still had an unbreakable look. She was badass, she was shot and still pulled through, she was tough. Ghost admired her for another hour or so before price came in for his daily visit.

"How's she doing?" He asked Ghost.

"Still no response." Ghost stated back standing to greet his Captain.

"I'll watch over her if you wanna go sleep or eat." Price said.

"No, no it's fine." Ghost declined his offer.

"Ghost?" Price sighed.

"Yeah" he looked and the captain and then back to (Y/n).

"It wasn't your fault."

"What?" Ghost responded his breath hitching.

"Its not your fault." Price said again.

"Fuck off Price" Ghost said letting out a breath he was holding.

"No Simon you listen to me." Price said walking up to the taller man and placing a hand on his shoulder. "It wasn't your fault"

"Alright, I know" Ghost voice started to go low.

"Then why do you keep blaming yourself for something you couldn't of prevented" there was a thick silence in the air you could cut with a knife after what Price had said.

"Don't Fucking! say that...." Ghost exploded all of the pent up emotion he'd been feeling since (Y/n) had gone missing came out Like flood gates opening after a storm. "I know alright! But I'm Ghost. Yet she wasn't scared of me, like she knew who I really was behind the name. Who the fuck is she, she should be no one to me" he looked at (Y/n) laying still on the medical bed. "She could see right through me and look what happened to her. Fuck. I'm sorry Price. You know what I'm going to get some sleep."

"I'll call you if she wakes up. You'll be the first to know" Price said "oh and Simon"

"Yeah" Ghost said turning to face him before he left the room.

"I'm sorry too son" and with that Ghost walked out of her hospital room.

~~hours later 7:32pm~~

Second turned into minutes.
Minutes turned into hours.
And not a sign was shown that (Y/n) was going to wake up from her medically induced coma. Price decided it was best to wait it out. His eyes started to drop as he sat in the chair the only sound was her short breaths and the beeping of the machine. Price laughed lightly. "It funny, I've seen men twice the size of you get taken down and not get back up. But you." He laughed again "you always got back up and where ready to keep going. But this." He paused "What happened to you? You're not leaving me just yet hold on, you hear me" Price stared at the girl expecting a reply or a response. But nothing. Nothing but her slow breaths.

Limbo // Simon "Ghost" Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now