12: Fancy Cups

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"So we're nearly home" she spoke, home was a weird concept to Y/n she really never felt at 'home' she'd rather be back on base doing copious amounts of paperwork than be here right now, clutching her duffle bad in one hand and suitcase and a corner shop bag in the other. She and Simon had stopped on the way to her home to grab some little bits like bread, milk, cigarettes and other necessities.

"Fucken' hell you do speak, I was beginning to think I'd gone deaf" Simon huffed, and she smiled lightly then it turned into a questionable frown, It was the first time she'd said anything after getting off the plane, almost if she regretting letting him stay with her. "Look if don't feel comfortable with me staying I'll find someplace else"

"No. No it's not that" she quipped back ever so suddenly. He remained silent as if to let her carry on. "It's weird no?"

"I mean weirder than everything that's happened so far?" Simon almost slowed to a halt with his steps.

"It's just a lot" she looked up at him and matched his slow steps slinging her duffle over her shoulder and letting her tired numb hand rest down by her side.

"Yeah sure. I understand" Simon chose not to press any further seeing her fight some strange internal battle, eyes flickering from side to side and her line of walking slightly moving diagonally. Simon put his hand down to let it rest the same way Y/n did, and as their hands slightly grazed one another's, Y/n seemed to walk straight and her eyes where still and focused on the pavement.

As Y/n threw her bags down as soon as she stepped in the door she sighed and flung her corner shop bag in the countertop, finally home, she'd never felt so relaxed in her home before perhaps it was the company she'd brought along. "You can put your stuff in the spare bedroom, down the hall the second door on the left." She waved to Simon who was still standing in the doorway barely fitting through it. He manoeuvred his way in eyes sweeping the place as he took in the surroundings. Her open plan living room, dining area and kitchen made it seem oddly inviting so open and welcoming for visitors or guests. "I'll pop the kettle on, I'm dying for a good tea." She said her demeanour had changed since stepping in the door, once worrying and distress of having someone in her home to actually having someone in her home and being overjoyed with it.

"Oh oh Fancy cups" Y/n clapped her hands together excited with the prospect of using her 'fancy' cups she only used for visitors, which she'd never had. Simon had heard her from, he guessed now 'his room' and decided to unpack later going backing to the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about.

"Fancy cups?" Simon questioned.

"Yeah fancy cups, you know the plates and stuff your mum would kinda only get out for special occasions or when guests come over." She smiled happily. Simon looked confused he'd never heard or even known of this, he'd guessed this was normal. "Here help me get them down" Y/n ushered him over, pulling a chair up to the counter so she could reach the top shelf where she kept them wobbling a bit as she stood on the chair.

"Fuck sake you going to hurt yourself, here" Simon said clutching her waist and his fingers holding onto her hips and thumbs dangerously close to her dimples just above her love handles. He could of easily reached up to get them down for her but he'd kick himself to pass up an opportunity to touch her like this, he hated that he was using simple gestures like this to get close to her, but there was something inside him screaming to make her his.

"Thanks" she smiled down at him and stepped down with the cups in hand. "Um you can let go now"

"Oh yeah" Simon coughed and let go know that she was sadly back on her kitchen floor.


A clanking smashing sound was heard from the kitchen sick where Simon had offered to wash up after finishing there tea. "Oh fuck" he yelled slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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