6: just Friends

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Y/n wakes up warm and confused, engulfed by large muscular arms around her. Then she remembers Ghost had stayed with her, she asked him to stay and he did. His chest moved up and down in slow breaths, and she just watched his eyes closed encasing his beautiful hazel eyes in darkness. Then she remembered something else he had slapped her face. She was pissed. She threw his arms off her body and got off the bed quite quickly, this sudden moment jolted Ghost awake. "Y/n" he said sleepy. "Was' the matter?"

"You hit me" she said sneering at him.

"I-what" then he remembered "I panicked" he said quietly defending himself.

"You could of pinched me, shook me harder ever splashed me with the thousands of half empty water bottles on your bed!" She screamed.

"I didn't have time to think, you where crying digging your nails into my arms. I panicked!" He shouted back, standing up to tower over the girl.

"I can't believe you..." she laughed lightly "you panicked. The quick thinking tactical lieutenant Ghost panicked?"

"When it comes to you, I panic! I can't stand seeing you hurting" he said and Y/n froze at his words.

"Why?" She asked after a moment.

"What?" He responded

"Why can't you see me hurting?" She said stepping closer.

"I- because-" he stuttered "you're on our team you're family"

Bullshit she thought, 'he can't see me hurting for the same reason that makes me want to climb him like a jungle gym' pure and Primal, she couldn't lie even under the layers of clothes and only half of his face she had seen, Ghost was a walking chick magnet. the thought of that made her smile and Ghost thought she had bought his lie. "Whatever you say, but if you ever lay a hand on me again I'll castrate you in your sleep" she glared at him with no hesitation in her face.

"Understood" he said standing straight up.

"I don't forgive you" she spoke.

"I- Y/n" he stood now looking at her.

"Ghost." She said back that was like a knife in his back the first time she had said his callsign with out a happy or cheerful smile on her lips. "I gotta get ready I've got K-9 meeting soon" Y/n started to collect her clothes slowly being mindful of her wounds and walked into the bathroom.

"Fuck." Ghost sighed still stood in the same place, he picked up his vest and walked out of the room, he made his way to the mess hall.

"LT" Soap said cheerfully as Ghost entered the kitchen. He just huffed in response. "Limbo okay?"

"Yeah" he hummed pulling out a mug to make a hot drink "she's overseeing K-9 today she seems better"

"Good to hear!" Soap said passing Ghost the tea bag box.


"Limbo!" Soap shouted as she entered the kitchen, the same way Simon had entered.

"Soap" she smiled and hugged him, a bulky hug due to his vest he had on. "It's good to see you"

"Back at ya lass, I missed ya" he smiled and Ghost was leaning on the counter glaring at him with a cup of tea in his hand.

"Ghost you keep staring you're gonna burn holes into my head" she remarked.

"Maybe" he mumbled.

"What's up?" Soap asked.

"Nothing" they both replied in unison.

"Okay, nutters" he spoke "see ya's later got training to be getting on with" Soap walked out.

"Wait up I'll come with I'm on my way to the K-9 bunks anyway" she spoke as Soap waited for her to catch up.

Limbo // Simon "Ghost" Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now