8: miss me?

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Getting back to home base was a long drive of misleading directions and looping around road to make sure the truck wasn't being followed, a safety precaution. After Gaz pulled up to the gates was identified and buzzed though (Y/n) had stirred slightly in her slumber, mumbling incoherent words. Soap tried to wake her gently but she was to deep in the dream she was having to be pulled out of it. "Lim you gotta wake up now we're back" Soap shook her shoulder gently.

"Fuck she's blacked out." Gaz said turning to the back seats where Soap and Y/n sat. "When was the last time she slept properly?" He turned to Ghost.

"Fuck... I don't know, she sleeps don't get me wrong, but maybe a couple hours a night. It's not enough" Ghost says looking at Gaz and then to Y/n. "Get out Johnny I'll try to wake her" Ghost said opening his door and continuing round to Soaps to let him out. Soap slid out of the seat carefully placing Y/n head in the seat he'd just got up from. She grumbled slightly and shifted her head to snuggle deeper into the seat. Ghost stood towering over her looking at her just asleep.

"Don't wake her" a voice was heard from behind them. Price was stood watching the scene unfold. "Let her sleep" Price walked up to the vehicle and scooped up Y/n like a raggedy Ann doll her head pressed against his shoulder. "I'll take her to her bunk, she needs this." And with that he walked away with the sleeping girl in his arms.


Cold, a cold, gut wrenching chill ran through her entire body. She could feel it even in her slumber. She could feel herself start to lose control of her mind, of her body. She was frozen, stuck in her place. Only her screams drowned the voices. Don't fight it. Just give in. Let it take over. Stop fighting. There's nothing to fight for. The screams. The fucking screams..

Y/n's eyes shot open, and she sat up just as fast. Panting, chest glistening with sweat and her hair drenched. She blinked a couple of times as if she was trying to figure out if she was still dreaming. It wasn't dark or gloomy, her room wasn't cold. She realised she was in fact in her room laying on the bed tucked in her blanket, was that whole mission a dream? No it couldn't of been. Was it?

She flung the blanket off of her body and Swung her legs over the side of the bed as her bear feet hit the cold concrete floor she looked down to see herself in her green dress. It wasn't a dream. She felt a sharp pain in her rib and stuffed her hand into the top part of her dress to pull out a plastic stick. The memory stick. She'd fallen asleep and missed the debrief and pushed the investigation back. Fuck. Why didn't they wake her?

She got dressed into some more appropriate clothing still gripping onto the memory stick for life. All the information they needed was in that piece of plastic and hell if she was going to misplace it. She rushed out her room and headed towards the briefing room. Pushing open the doors she saw all of her team stood around the table. "Sleeping beauty's finally awake" Soap said with a cheeky laugh.

"Yeah sorry about that you should of woken me" she smiled back to him.

"Price said not to" Ghost said in a gruff voice.

"Looked like you needed a few hours, adrenaline crash is no joke" Price said.

"Yeah you could say that felt like I got hit by a truck" she stifled a laugh rubbing the back of her neck. There was a thick silence. "Oh right here" she handed over the memory stick and price took it.

"This is gonna take some time to sort through, I've already debriefed the guys but Lim you'll need to stay to be debriefed. Get some rest 141 you've earned it" Price wished the men a goodnight and Alejandro, price and Y/n where left in the room. "What soap learned about the company, it's fucked up, like real cult leader shit, 'the company' is a group of hit men from the cartel they have information on family members and relatives, misbehave and they are done for."

Limbo // Simon "Ghost" Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now