10: Ive got you parallel

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Back when Y/n was training to be in the SAS what she was doing was called a steak out, sat on a cold bench with an even colder cup of coffee, now replace the cold coffee with a 50 calibre sniper rifle with a scope and the bench with a dusty grass she was laying in and now you call it a covert and infiltration operation, with her team by her side. The silence on waiting for the Oder to snipe the Guards at the door to the warehouse so the team could move up was gut wrenching. "Two Guards at the door, two notches for bullet drop, Limbo take one and Soap take the other" Price said over coms and Y/n did just that taking one of the men down and not a second later the other one went down by the hand of Soap.

"Nighty night" Soap said through the coms which made Y/n smile although she had just literally killed a man.

"see anymore Guards posted?" Alejandro asked.

"Negative sir." Soap said "no one in sight."

"You'd think they'd have more protection for a warehouse full of drugs." Y/n said and looked over to where Soap was lying to see he was nodding at her.

"It is weird, you're right Lim" Price stated. "Alejandro advice on advancement?"

"The only way we could make sure the outside is secure is by pushing up, we advance slowly, hidden." Alejandro said and repeated it again in Spanish for his Los Vaqueros. "we push up."

"copy that." Ghost said though the coms, its had been the first time he'd spoke since they'd got out of the trucks. Moving forward Soap and Y/n met up only meters apart from the rest of the group swapping to close range Mk's.

"looks like there are cartel inside with the crates." Price said.

"Yes many at that." Alejandro said back. "Lim are you gonna be able to be quite enough to get onto the roof, those air ducts look like they could be useful?"

"Sure seems easy enough" She shrugged and started to advance on the warehouse. "I've got some smoke bombs seems like its and option draw them out, flashbangs will only stun them. But it your call Vargas"

"Smoke bomb. Draw them out we can take them out before they notice you on the roof, any remaining left in the building will you beg able to get through the skylights and take them out?" Alejandro asked.

"Sure thing who doesn't love a bit of free fire though smoke" She said sarcastically.

"Feisty, don't shoot then, use those close combat skills I've heard so much about." Y/n could practically hear the smirk in his voice in her earpiece. She audibly grounded, Y/n made her to the side of the building and contacted her team that where now positioned several meters away. "Anyone see a way to the roof."

"the crates on the west side of the warehouse, you should be able to get the roof if you scale them." Gaz said.

"Good eye Gaz, gold star sticker. Cover me if you see that door open you alert me. Just so you know my life is in you're hands no pressure." She lightly laughed and heard a chuckle before it got cut-off. She creeped abound to the crates seeing they where slightly taller than her she had to put away her weapon to climb it. She stretched out her arm and jumped, clinging onto the side of the wooden crate pulling herself up, kneeling on the crate she looked up and saw the over hanging roof a few feet above her. She huffed and stood jumping again. "Right, I'm on the roof she whispered. Heading to the air vents now keeping my coms on." She clicked her radio twice to keep her mic on.  She got the first air vent and slowly pulled the cover off slowly putting it on the roof, the sound of the metal scraping together made her grit her teeth. "first duct open." Onto the second." She done the same to the next one. Pulling two smoke bombs from her vest she pulled the pin on one a tossed it in it made a small clink sound when it hit the floor hissing as it quickly released its contents.

Limbo // Simon "Ghost" Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now