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A/n: best read on night mode

He stood there, at the edge of the bridge drenched in the heavy rain.

He looked lifeless and ready to take that one step that would end his suffering.

I stood overwhelmed with shock as I try to make sense of the scene unfolding infront of me.

I didn't know what to do but call 911, I tried my best to calm down and leave it all for the police to handle.

that is until I saw his grip loosen on the metal bars.

A second went by and I found myself already reaching for his hand trying to save him.

Whether I acted on impulse or had a heroic impulse, all I knew is that I could not let this man die if I could do something about it.

I held onto his arm and tried to talk him out of it, as I tried to buy some time before the police arrives.

Yes, I may not know what drove him to resort to this. But there is just something about him that I can't help but compare him to myself.

Perhaps it's his lifeless eyes that looks so broken and ready to give up is what compelled me to see myself in him.

It wasn't so long ago that I was in his position, before that someone saved me.

I tried talking to him, try to understand him and his situation.

but as I thought.....

no response...

Not long after, I can hear the police sirens from a distance, oh thank God they're here.

I breathed a sigh of relief until I felt him slipping from my grasp.

I tried desperately to hang on. The man then turned to me and there I saw clearly in his eyes.

This man didn't want to die,

he was desperate...

Desperate enough to make the pain stop that it led him here.

On this bridge in the middle of the night in this rain.

I could hear the cops moving closer in our direction, just a little more and this will all be over.

"You're a good kid"

I could hear the man suddenly say.

"And your a heavy, old man. Argh!" I sassed back trying to lighten the mood,

a futile attempt to try and divert my attention in our current situation..

This is not good, he's slipping from my grasp and this rain isn't helping with my vision either.

"You have a bright future ahead of you, don't waste it like I did"

"What do you... kugh mean by that?"

Would you please stop talking, I'm having a hard time keeping you from falling to your death much less, taking me with you.

A few police officers arrived and tried to help. I tried to lift the man up until the officers could grab a hold of him.

But amidst the struggle....

I slipped and fell off in his instead.


As I fell off the bridge I could see the outstretched hand of the police officers trying to reach out to me but I was too far

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As I fell off the bridge I could see the outstretched hand of the police officers trying to reach out to me but I was too far.

At that moment all kinds of thoughts entered my mind, but one thing was clear....


'someone, please...'

I don't want to die...



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I sprang out of bed breathing heavily. I frantically looked all around me and examined my surroundings.

I realized I was in my room, and breathed a sigh of relief.

'It was all a dream... I hadn't had those in a while'

A gentle knock can be heard through the door, I told them to come in and flopped back into bed.



A man can be seen coming in through the door who seems to be wearing a servants uniform.

"I heard a noise, is everything alright?" The man asked, the teen let out a hum in response.

"It's time to get up now, young master. You ordered me to remind you that its your first day of school"

The teen rose from his position, "You're right, I shouldn't delay anymore...."

'I wonder what part of the plot we are right now'

ETHE[REAL] Lookism Fanfic (Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now