Chapter 4: Elite Society

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Ah, what am I doing here? 

I watched the two bicker infront of me. Their loud voices echo through out the convenience store, it's a good thing there weren't any customers at this time. 

"That's not how you do it!"

"What do you mean it's not?! Math is math!"

I watch Zoe close to smacking Haneul while he was ready to rip up the text book. Just what are these two think they're doing?




It was a few weeks ago when I was visiting the little Daniel in the convenience store. We have gotten close and I introduced him to Orion as promised, I also apologized for me and Garam's behavior last time, and as the cinnamon roll that he is, he forgave me and I have hung out with him ever since. I also came across Zoe, he visits Daniel frequently and whenever I do she was always there. So, naturally the three of us spent time together. She sometimes brought her study materials, occasionally doing her assignments in the convenience store. 

I don't know how it started but it somehow led to me and her bickering a lot about math and that's what leads to the present.

"Well, this is how I do it"

"That technique is so outdated"

[Bahahaha, she's calling you old!]

"It is not! It's great and it works for me!"

I insisted, I hardly understand how they do math these days but this is what was taught to me when I was in school. Saying that makes it seem like I'm an old man. However, she does not back down and teaches me the 'new'  technique along with Daniel. No matter how much I refused to. 

"Geez, Haneul I didn't know how stubborn you are"

"Right back at ya, I don't need help Zoe, math is easier for me to understand if I use this kind of technique. Certified by my high School teacher"

"? Aren't you in high school right now"

.! "...Yeah, that's right" shit, almost got caught.

"What about let's take a break" Daniel interrupted.

"You just don't want me to check your work" she was right as Daniel nervously laughs. Zoe might not look it but she's smart and a good student. She may be a bit shallow in the beginning. 

But I like her, she has the biggest character development in my opinion. And, between Crystal and Zoe, I rooted for Zoe to be best girl. Because, let's face it Crystal is biased against good looking people and think their nothing but scum. I should know, I was at the receiving end of her criticism. It feels like someone is accusing you of being a criminal just because you 'look' the part. It feels shitty.

Seeing the sun set outside, I realize I might be late. "Oh, sh- oot, I have to go.!" I gather up my things and rush to the door. 

"Where're you going?" Zoe whined, 

"I have to go, I'll leave our little debate till next time. Bye.!"

I sprinted through the streets in order to get home, knowing Garam, I don't want to endure his nagging. Arriving home at the nick of time I see Garam on the door way with his arms crossed and a serious look in his eyes. 

"I'm on time, aren't I?" 


I laugh it off and quickly get ready. Today was an important event, because I was to attend a fund raising event on behalf of our company. Garam laid out a suit that I was to wear and dolled me up. Being in the body of someone born with a golden spoon had given me lots of opportunities as well as responsibilities. Showing my face in society became mandatory as well as socializing with other elites. I can't complain though, since I met Jay through these social events. 

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