Chapter 7: Meeting Johan

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As soon as I got home from School I took Orion out for a run, to destress from everything that's happened. I still can't believe Vasco still went to look for a job even though I've given him the money! Stupid Jace for giving Vasco a hard time. 

I run for miles, letting my feet lead the way, I couldn't care less if I got lost since I had Orion with me. Ever since that day with Gun, he's calling and messaging me non-stop. Which I'm thankful for the attention but there are times when I'm in class and my phone randomly goes off. I told him off but it went in one ear and out the other. 

Running for a few miles I don't feel tired or exhausted and my body still feels fine. Just goes to show how strong this body is. It's naturally sturdy and after years of training this much exercise is nothing. I did, however make sure to take breaks in between to not exhaust Orion. Just because I can run for hours on end doesn't mean that he can.

Taking a break on the bench, the white furred dog appeared again to play with Orion. They bark happily and chase each other around the grass. Orion had made lots of friends, he is such a social dog, like me, he's quick to make friends and get along well with other dogs. He's even on good terms with a bunch of cats from that old ladies flower shop.

They quickly stopped playing when they noticed something, Huh? What're they-
They bolted to another direction and barked at another dog who seems to be a golden retriever. Wait, that's... That's Enu! Daniels dog!

Orion! Of all the dogs in Seoul, don't bully the main characters dog!

I run up to them to stop the fight, but I didn't noticed there was another one who rushed in the same direction. We butt heads unintentionally and fell backwards.




I was on a walk with Eden when he suddenly ran to another dog. A Husky that I've been seeing a lot these days. Eden and this dog seem to be getting along well and the owner... Isn't a bad person. I've seen him in different areas too, it was like he was looking for something. Or I might've been over thinking it.

Frequently seeing him around, I gradually notice little things about him, like how he easily gets lost but still jogs on area's he isn't familiar with. He relies on Eden at times when he gets lost. He jogs on afternoons until he is too exhausted to continue. Like, he's exhausting himself on purpose.

Eventually, I couldn't stop looking at him whenever he comes into view. I wanted to get a little closer and ask him all these things. I didn't expect an opportunity like this so soon, I also didn't expect to literally bump into him.

"I'm sorry I should've tied him up. How's your head?" I turn to the blue haired teen

"It's no worries, really. My skull is sturdy, don't worry 'bout it"

Still, I can't help but worry.

"Yeah, it was kind of my fault too" Daniel admits, we left our dogs leashed in one spot as we jogged together.

"So, you jog like this everyday?"

"Huh? Oh yeah"

"Only on Friday's and week ends" he answers jogging beside me.

"Yeah I noticed" Johan muttered softly that it was hard for both of them to hear what he said. "What?" I could've sworn he said something.

"So you came all the way from Nowon to get a haircut?" Daniel interrupts, Johan seemed happy when thinking of getting his hair done by his mom. What a cutie, he's a mama's boy alright.

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