Chapter 1: Transmigration of Souls

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I loved to read. It gave me a way to escape reality as I busy myself with stories from books I find in public libraries.

As a reader, I've always been drawn to stories of revenge, second chances, and redemption. The feeling of escaping into a world filled with adventure and excitement, where the main character overcomes impossible odds and achieves their ultimate goal, is exhilarating. It's a feeling that cannot be replicated in real life, and it's one that I will always crave in a story.

Whether it's about a character's journey towards justice for their family, or someone who gets a second chance at life, the stories I read provide a way for me to experience something beyond the ordinary.

One particular story, "Lookism", left a lasting impression on me, not just because of its gripping narrative and captivating characters, but also because of the powerful message it conveys about the flaws in society's beauty standards.

The author skillfully weaves together the lives of ordinary people who are judged by their appearance, highlighting the harsh realities of how physical attractiveness can impact one's social standing and self-esteem. It's a moving tale that touches the hearts of readers worldwide, and I found myself deeply invested in the characters' struggles as they navigated this unfair world.

As the plot progressed, the story became more complex and dangerous, taking the characters on a journey towards self-discovery. Despite the dramatic twists and turns, the message of the story remains clear: we should not judge others based on their appearance, but rather on their character.


And that particular incident that got me falling off that bridge.... Unintentionally... exposed me to opportunities that I could never imagine...




A sudden, startling sensation shook me awake, like a burst of adrenaline coursing through my body. No way, did I just-

I sat up not even noticing my surroundings, my vision was blurry and I felt dizzy. However, I was too preoccupied with my racing heart to notice a thing. My breath came in ragged gasps as I fought to regain control of himself.

It felt like he had just escaped death itself, and he still wasn't sure if he was truly alive or still in some sort of dreamlike state. The world around him was still and quiet, and time seemed to stand still as he took in his surroundings, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Flashes of memory flooded my mind, recalling the struggle and the fateful moment that led to my fall from the bridge. The memory still felt so vivid in my mind, that I couldn't shake the feeling of dread and fear that had gripped on me.

The last I remember was the bridge... Right, I fell off. If... I just hadn't helped that old man. If I'd just minded my own business or waited for the cops to come help, I wouldn't have-

He stopped in his thoughts as he came to a realization.

What am I saying, if I hadn't that old man would've fallen off and died instead...nothing is as important as someone's life.

Important thing is, I'm alive and no one died... The coastguard probably came to rescue me when I fell and brought me to the hospital. Yeah, that's what most likely happened. Great, now I have to worry about the hospital bill.

A see-through screen that you usually see in video games appeared before him and snapped him from his thoughts.

[Congratulations, Host!]

The sudden appearance of the floating screen made me jump back in surprise. My hand gripped something soft and I turned my head to see what it was, it was a... pillow. A lavish pillow, wrapped in silk.

ETHE[REAL] Lookism Fanfic (Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now