Chapter 11: Crystal's Investigation

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Chilling on the second floor of the café, I drank my iced americano minding my own business. I was able to relax like this because my plan is going so smoothly now. Feeling the wind on my face and appreciating the view outside, when I saw a horde, chasing after... a bull(?).

"..." Did I see that right? Blinking and taking another look at it, I didn't see wrong. Isn't that Jay?! Zack, Zoe and the Burn Knuckles?! 

"Catch that thief!"



The scene before me was so ridiculous that I didn't know how to react. Jumping down from the balcony to see where they went. 

"Haneul did you just-" Daniel Continues

"Jump down the balcony?" Vasco finishes 

I turn around and saw Daniel and Vasco....this is awkward. "Well, I saw something interesting and wanted to get a better look" I explain.

No one jumps down from the second floor for that, is what their faces are saying. "Anyway, I think I saw Burn Knuckles chase someone that way.

"Yeah, we heard someone was after Vasco" Daniel explains, "What? Who would be dumb enough to do that?" I ask in disbelief. "Anyway, let's follow them I wanna see what happens"




With one kick Brekdak sent the loan shark flying, everyone was shocked to see such a powerful kick from the foreigner. 

"Are you okay, friend?" He turned to Seonong

Brekdak admitted that he was tempted by the money but then changed his mind seeing Seonong's good deeds and was ashamed he did such a thing to a person with good heart. Seonong was worried for the foreigners family since he mentioned that he had a debt to settle and had to take care of his family too. 

"You kept my precious Mongkol with you. A good friend, told me to be a man" he goes into a fighting pose that seemed to be Muay Thai. One of the Burn Knuckles recognizes him from his fighting stance to be the Muay Thai Champion Brekdak with no loses. 

"Did you say someone was after me?" Vasco arrived at the scene with Haneul following behind sipping on his iced coffee.

Ohh~ This looks like it's getting interesting. Are those loan sharks? They look like scum even from here.

"How did you find us?!" Jace asked in shock

"You weren't picking up so I used Telepathy" I hold in a laugh Vasco can be so cute at times.

Actually we searched the whole block, "You just searched the whole block, didn't you?!" Spot on, Jace. 

Seeing Brekdak, Vasco called him Master and explained how he taught him Muay Thai. Brekdak also caught a glimpse of a familiar looking boy behind Vasco wearing shades. 

Is it just me, or is he looking this way?

[Do you know that guy?]

My ears perked at the sudden sound of Hyeon's voice. 

Jesus, don't pop out like that and where've you been?

[Just...around. Anyway, do you know that guy?]

Not personally...

The misunderstanding was resolved and Seonong returned Vasco's money and he used it to repay Brekdak's debt, which was so heart warming to witness. I'm glad I was here to witness this.

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