Chapter 10: Garam

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My master.... was a lonely boy.

Before the accident, I have never seen him smile. He had that blank look on his face and always stared out the window. Curiosity was the only expression that imprinted on his face. The Madam was worried. Why he never laughed nor cried, none of the doctors could tell us why. Was it an illness or did he lack the basic emotions to do so?

Every time I see him, he seemed to be learning. Absorbing everything he sees, always asking questions, 'why?'. 

She was delighted, since those where the only times she can see a humane side to her son. His fascination with the world was something I couldn't understand. As if he was seeing the world  through the eyes of some one who didn't belong in it. 

Over time, I could feel he was starting to be more humane.? Is that the proper word to describe it? One thing was for sure, he was learning and was able to express what he felt even just a little. And, that put a smile on her face. I was starting to think it would all work out.

I was just his guard, someone to watch over him. Preventing kidnapping incidents from happening. It was just like any other job. I was used to keeping anything fall to the enemies hands, though it was not my specialty. 

The only reason why I was alive right now is because there was someone who thought that someone like me deserved salvation. I was given a purpose, and I would follow them till the end of my life. That was the only way I knew, the only way I was taught to repay favors. And, following orders is something I'm used to. Be it from mercenaries or businessmen, my employers identity didn't matter.

When the accident happened. The madam left me behind, ensuring that they were already safe since she brought more than enough guards to begin with. I couldn't refuse. They were orders. 

I only heard about the accident when it was already too late. 

The Madam shielded her son from being crushed, it took them hours to get to where those two where. How the boy would have felt as her mother slowly loses her life, her body growing cold each second, is beyond me. 

'I don't want this anymore'

Were his last words before slipping into that coma. That day, I thought would be my last. What was my purpose if the people I was ordered to protect were gone. I failed. How stupid was I to have never realized how important his existence was in my life. Now that she was gone, he was the only thread that rooted my existence.

Yet he wasn't entirely gone, as long as he still breathed there's still something for me to hold onto. I held onto hope like a life line, I don't know what else I could do but wait. They said if I waited long enough he would surely find his strength to come back. But when? For how long to I have to suffer this agony waiting for something that wasn't definite.

I just have to wait... patiently... surely he would come back...

But when he come to, he changed. Like a switch, gone were the emptiness in his eyes and were replaced by a fiery desire to live. His memories gone, he was like a different person. Some of his actions couldn't be explained by something as simple as personality change due to amnesia.

 He was a different person, I'm sure of it.

 But it didn't matter, because he was still alive. Even if she was gone, I'll continue her will of protecting her son in her place. What started out as an act of repayment for the woman who I owed my life to, has now become something more than that.

"I wish to serve Young master Haneul"

Boldly stating my request, he doesn't say anything and just quietly stirs the liquid in his glass. He looks at me with that gaze that I cannot understand. 

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