Chapter 8: Yamaguchi

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It was thanksgiving, the time of joy and giving thanks obviously. But what greeted me early in the morning is not the delicious plate of breakfast that Garam makes for me every morning. No, there was something who came first, I was greeted by... a picture of Gun's abs.

"Pff-" I spit out the toothpaste in my mouth and cough it all up.

"What the hell?!"

[Ohh~ nice abs~]   not now Hyeon.!
Why is this guy flashing my eyes so early in the morning??

The photo he sent was followed by a message 'Just woke up'. Dude, I don't care when you wake up, great abs though, but that's besides the point!
I entered a beneficial relationship with Gun where what we receive equals to the amount we give each other in return. Does he expect me to send a picture of me without a shirt?

"Your turn"

I see his message pop up. Oh, he does indeed.  

"Don't want to"

"That's unfair"

"No one asked you to send a photo of yourself half naked"

"Thought you like my abs"

Not gonna lie, I'm not one to refuse a sight. But I refuse to boost your ego.

I ignore his message and get myself dressed to have breakfast. I can see Garam with an apron on cooking eggs, he's such a male wife coded. Orion eating his food in the kitchen. I went down the stairs and sat down with a yawn. Garam joined me for breakfast once he finished cooking. 

"Young master, it's thanks giving  the Master wanted to know if you will be joining the luncheon with your Grandmother" he only calls me that whenever he addresses my father as 'Master'. Even though he's devoted to me his employer is still my father. 

Ugh, I don't want to though, I mean who goes to Japan just to eat lunch? Only posh people does that.... I guess I'm in that category now, but I don't want to eat with my Father's entire family if I can help it. I know I'll just get indigestion.

"Just the three of us?"

"If that is what you wish, the Master told me that it can be arranged"

I think about it for a moment. I can't avoid them forever, it's about time I visit my grandmother again. "Alright, tell him I will go" I can't be an irresponsible grandson that doesn't visit his only grandmother. 




"You're grandmother hasn't seen you in a while so she has been calling me persistently to bring you home"

"Yeah, I miss her too" How long has it been? one- two years.? 

After the accident, I was sent to live with her in Japan. We naturally grew close and she taught me martial arts as per my request to learn from the masters in our family. It was hell, but I've endured it for the sake of having a basic foundation to move forward with the plot. 

Unlike Daniel and the other main characters, I don't have plot armor. I can't learn these things on the spot.

The one who fought with Gun wasn't me but the system. There's a special self defense program that allows me to fight with full mastery as long as I'm in the best condition. It's like the ultra instinct, I black out and I have no recollection of what happened. It's good, but I can literally die when I use it. The defense system operates solely to win, it has little regard to the state of my body. A double edged sword. Hyeon said that wasn't supposed to happen, so while he fixes those bugs I'm left with fending for myself.

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