Chapter 2: J High School

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It has been years since then, and the story had already started to take place. Here, in the heart of Seoul, J High, the place where the story begins. Regrettably, I wasn't able to be here at the first few half of the story, when everything began, at Daniel's first day of school. However, I have laid out the foundation that I need in order to help the main cast face of what's to come in the later parts of the plot. Don't you worry my babies! I will protect yall from those bullies.!

Entering the School, I could feel everyone's gaze. Damn, I forgot how this felt, I have been so comfortable around the people that I know that I forgot how gorgeous this body was. Guess, I have this kid's parents to thank for. 

Let's see, the cast is the same age as me which means, they're second years now. Am I right?

[Correct you are, host!]

Oh, and I have also gotten closer to my system, I named him 'Hyeondae', meaning 'system' unoriginal but easy to remember. I just call him Hyeon as a nickname. He also doesn't take the form of a floating interface anymore, instead he just floats about like a ghost that only I can see. 

Ignoring the gawking stare of his school mates he makes his way through the school finding his classroom for the first time. He was not a transferee or a new student. He was already enrolled last year as a freshman, however, due to circumstances he was not able to attend classes and only submitted his works through modular learning. The teachers were against it at first, after all, what type of student misses an entire year of classes and just submits assignments. But due to factors of him acing every school work given to him, they could not help but agree. 

That also sparked curiosity among students, the mysterious student who has not shown his face at school but manages to be the top scorer every time. That was when he had earned his name, the one students call 'the Ghost of J high'.

[BAHAHA! 'Ghost of J High'! Your famous now, Han!] The system cackles as he follows behind me.

Shut it! It's bad enough I had to deal with that cringy ass nickname. I even missed a year of the plot. *Sighhh*

[Chill, you'll meet them soon. The oh so character that you've been dying to meet]

They're not just characters, Hyeon. They were real to me then, just as they are real to me now.

Hyeon smiles as he catches up, he understands just how important the main characters were to me. [Well, whomever they are to you they are just one classroom away now. Don't be nervous.] he giggles and dissipates into thin ear. Giving me time to take a breath as I open the doors of the classroom, ready to meet my classmates for the first time, and him.




The door opens as  Haneul entered. The classroom was more chaotic to say the least. For starters there was a girl clinging onto the arm of a handsome student. He clearly looked uncomfortable. A blonde was making hand gestures distressed at how the two were being very close. While another was burning with a fiery aura, burning in jealousy. In another corner of the classroom was a student who had purple hair giving a chubby girl a milk carton. 

It was an odd situation that the teen had read before. Although, that time he was at the other side of the screen. Now, he was there, with them. He couldn't help but chuckle seeing the scene unfold. The students upon hearing his laugh turned to him. They all had the same thought.

'Who's he?' Half of the classroom was eyeing him while the other half genuinely wanted to know who he was.

I quickly realized that their attention was on me now, "Ah, sorry, It's just you're all quite the lively bunch. I never expected that my classmates would be this fun" 

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