Chapter 9: A Deal

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It has been a while since I was transmigrated in this world. I quickly came to terms of my untimely death. Not like I had any relatives or close friends to miss. With the help of the system whom I named 'Hyeondae' I was able to adapt well. 

For the 4 years I have been here, I still don't know everything about the system. I only know that I was transported here because I saved some guy who supposedly had an impact on the world or something. The details, I am not much interested in. 

But what I'm interested in is the 'system' itself. They could easily transport me from a different world to another. They have that much power but couldn't save one guy. That's suspicious.

I see Hyeondae giving me an innocent smile, like he could do no harm in the world. 

He's tightlipped I give him that, I don't fully trust him to be honest. But he's useful to be around and, I quite enjoy his company. Almost like a friend.

"How many times have I told you not to take your eyes off your opponent?" 

"What, not calling me 'Master' today, Garam?" I bring my attention back to him, he's proven to be a good sparring partner. Helping me sharpen my skills from time to time. 

"You know I don't call you that when we spar" he chuckles, his voice resonating in the private training room I had prepared in the building. 

I charge forward catching him off guard for a second, in a blur of speed and precision finding a weak point and striking it. He's dodging my punches by a hair.

 "Oh, you've gotten fast" he mused and blocked me. This didn't stop me as I continue my attacks. Since he has the leisure to talk I take it my speed is not enough to really catch him off guard. 

"tsk", taking a step back. The recoil made my arm a little numb. He took the opportunity to strike my side. Garam had a bigger stature than me, blocking that attack with that much force behind it would break my arm. I parried it away knowing his attack wont make it through he changed styles for a split second. Muay Thai

'Damn it' I wince expecting the pain to come. But didn't. I only felt a flick on my forehead that threw my head a little. 

"Agh!" I rubbed the spot on my forehead "I told you, not the face!"

"That's enough for today. You look exhausted" he walked over to the side sitting down on the floor patting the seat next to him. 

"Exhausted who's exhausted? Bitch please, I can do this all day" 

"Sit" he insists. And, I did. Catching my breath I notice my arm was a little sore. I don't think I pulled a muscle.

"Looks like I have a long way to go" I laugh to myself. "After all that training and I still can't beat you"

"Don't say that, you improved greatly these last few years. You caught up to me in a short amount of time. If you hadn't been exhausted prior to the fight I would have gotten myself in a lot of trouble"

"Oh, shucks you're just saying that to make me feel better"

"Is it working?"

"Oh, fuck you, Garam" he playfully pushed him away, though the older man didn't even move a muscle. He noticed this and laughed louder than before. 

But, in a serious note if he hadn't been exhausted in the few hours we spent sparring, that last attack, would have been... 

'He'd grown faster and stronger at a frightening speed. Not to mention his tenacity. I felt it through out the fight. His attacks carried weight despite his size but I noticed his strongest attacks always land on a particular spot. If it continued, I would have fractured a rib.'

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