Chapter 6: Four Crews

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I've developed a habit for the past month going on runs, late afternoon with Orion. Having insomnia is the worst. It makes it hard for me to fall asleep so I needed to exhaust myself somewhere so I can pass out at home. I didn't want to rely on sleeping pills too much so I only take them when I have nightmares in the middle of the night. 

Stopping somewhere for a bit, I was in a new neighborhood that I didn't recognize.... That's weird did I miss a turn somewhere?

'Master, doesn't even realize he's lost again. That's why I always have to tag along whenever you go on runs! But not to worry. I'll get you home!' 

"Oh, Orion do you know where we are?" he barks, 

"Yeah, I don't know too, but it'll work out somehow. And, if we're really lost, I still have that tracker in my earrings there's nothing to worry about, boy" he says, but it seems he's assuring himself rather than his dog. 

'You're hopeless, Master'

Just then a white furred dog appears and approached us. Oh, I recognize that dog, I frequently saw him on our walks and I know just the person he belongs to. Orion went to greet his friend. 

"It's you again, Orion's friend. Sorry, to ask for your help every time I'm lost but can you help me out just a lil bit" the dog barks enthusiastically and we followed along with his guidance. 

'I can guide you just fine too, master! Rely on me too!'

Walking back with Orion and the other dog my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled out to see who would be messaging me at this hour and saw it was from Gun again. He sure is annoying, he keeps messaging saying random stuff.

"Should I just kill him?"

"Kill who?"


"Lolol what did he do this time?"


Okay, maybe him texting me is a bit entertaining and fun. He talks about killing Goo most of the time but we all know they're best friends. 

"I mean sure, but don't plan his murder with me, I don't wanna go to jail -_-"

"We know that your daddy is gonna bail you out"

 I chuckle, but then I think to myself, who exactly was he referring to. 

"Who are you referring to?"

"who else?" 

he texts back with a smug emoji. Wow, this guy can flirt, if it wasn't for my experience I would be acting all giddy like a high School girl with a crush. I'm gonna be honest, he is hot and dangerous but my survival takes priority, it's best I not be caught off guard by him.

Unbeknownst to the teen there was someone watching him from the shadows, observing him from a far. 




"Haneul, what are the 'Big 4 Crews'?" Daniel asked, I see he's opening the topic of the 4 Crews. Has he decided what he wanted to do?

I was at the Architecture department about to teach Vasco how to fold origami when he came to me to ask that. Jace over hearing the question, put on a coat and drew something on the white board and started explaining. Oh~ he looks like a teacher, teacher Jace!

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