Chapter 14: Fake Bank Account (3)

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Jiho stood helplessly infront of the Police Stations' Cyber Crime Division, he couldn't believe what just happened. His newfound friends that he thought cared about him more than the 'friends' in school scammed him. And, now he couldn't do anything about it. The scams posted in his face book account were still up and luring innocent people, pouring in money in his account that he could no longer access. 

What's worse was that, the Police don't work on weekends.!

The world was against him, as if slapping him in the face after everything he's done. But alas, this was Jiho we're talking about. He could only feel sorry for himself while blaming the whole world of his misfortune. 

He went into an internet café and tried all he could to warn the people who saw the post. But it was a futile attempt. A lot of people already saw the post and believed the scam, there's no guarantee that someone won't go looking for him and pick a fight after being scammed, like today. If he can't take down the post or solve the issues with his bank account soon. 

His life would be ruined...

"What's up? Are you doing more scams?"

Zack's goons noticed Jiho and approached him. They, along with everyone in the classroom witnessed the guy who barged into their school to look for Jiho earlier. And, now everyone seemed to think that he was scammer. 

When he couldn't take it anymore he took out all his frustration out on them and caused a scene. A key board was thrown and they were hitting each other, until Zack interfered and Jiho shifted his attention to Zack. 

"What makes you so different?"


"Stop pretending you're my friend. You think your different than him?" Jiho let out every little thing that bothered him through out the time he spent together with the group. He felt ignored, like he didn't belong with them. He only felt a sense of belonging when he was with James and even he used him like he was nothing. Thinking about it now brought out tears, until he was sobbing in the middle of his sentence.

"You're right I have no excuses, but" Zack trailed off "You... never thought of us as friends either did you?"

Jiho stopped crying upon hearing those words, it felt like Zack punched him in the gut. 

"Did you ever talked to us without calculating the benefits beforehand?" He continued, he wanted Jiho to hear everything. He never liked how Jiho is telling him his sob story when clearly he was also in the wrong as well. 

"Did you... ever think of Haneul as a friend?" Zack had that disappointed look on his face. Though, Haneul was a little annoying to him he never hated his company. Even though he was weird at time, he could feel how much he cared for them.

"To be honest I don't care if you think of me as your friend but... Haneul was worried about you"

'He did... after I treated him like that?'

"I don't know what happened between you two but, I have a feeling it was your fault. After I help you out, you better apologize to him. He was moping around and what not, almost crashing onto a door" Zack let out a frustrated sigh remembering that moment.

"If you're a friend try to be more honest with yourself" 

Jiho folded and told Zack everything. How he met James, how he knew him and how he get scammed. Though, he excluded the part where Haneul tried to stop him. Looking back now, he was only looking out for Jiho, yet he turned him away just like that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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